Using Tamper Data add-on to intercept and modify requests

Sometimes, applications have client-side input validation mechanisms through JavaScript, hidden forms, or POST parameters that one doesn't know or can't see or manipulate directly in the address bar; to test these and other kind of variables, we need to intercept the requests the browser sends and modify them before they reach the server. In this recipe, we will use a Firefox add-on called Tamper Data to intercept the submission of a form and alter some values before it leaves our computer.

How to do it...

  1. Go to Mantra's menu and navigate to Tools | Application Auditing | Tamper Data.
    How to do it...
  2. Tamper Data's window will appear. Now, let's browse to We can see the requests section in the add-on populating:
    How to do it...


    Every request we make in the browser will go through Tamper Data while it is active.

  3. To intercept a request and change its values, we need to start the tampering by clicking on Start Tamper. Start the tampering now.
  4. Introduce some fake username/password combination; for example, test/password and then click on Login.
  5. In the confirmation box, uncheck the Continue Tampering? box and click Tamper; the Tamper Popup window will be shown.
  6. In this pop-up, we can modify the information sent to the server including the request's header and POST parameters. Change username and password for the valid ones (admin/admin) and click on OK. This should be used in this book instead of DVWA:
    How to do it...

    With this last step, we modified the values in the form right after they are sent by the browser. Thus, allowing us to login with valid credentials instead of sending the wrong ones to the server.

How it works...

Tamper Data will capture the request just before it leaves the browser and give us the time to alter any variable it contains. However, it has some limitations, such as not having the possibility to edit the URL or GET parameters.

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