Step by step basic SQL Injection

We saw in Chapter 4, Finding Vulnerabilities, how to detect an SQL Injection. In this recipe, we will exploit an injection and use it to extract information from the database.

How to do it...

  1. We already know that DVWA is vulnerable to SQL Injection, so let's login using OWASP-Mantra and go to
  2. After detecting that an SQLi exists, the next step is to get to know the query, more precisely, the number of columns its result has. Enter any number in the ID box and click Submit.
  3. Now, open the HackBar (hit F9) and click Load URL. The URL in the address bar should now appear in the HackBar.
  4. In the HackBar, we replace the value of the id parameter with 1' order by 1 -- ' and click on Execute.
  5. We keep increasing the number after order by and executing the requests until we get an error. In this example, it happens when ordering by 3.
    How to do it...
  6. Now, we know that the query has two columns. Let's try if we can use the UNION statement to extract some information; now set the value of id to 1' union select 1,2 -- ' and Execute.
    How to do it...
  7. This means that we can ask for two values in that union query, how about the version of the DBMS (Database Management System) and the database user; set id to 1' union select @@version,current_user() -- ' and Execute.
    How to do it...
  8. Let's look for something more relevant, the users of the application for example. First, we need to locate the users' table; set id to 1' union select table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE '%user%' -- '.
    How to do it...
  9. OK, we know that the database (or schema) is called dvwa and the table we are looking for is users. As we have only two positions to set values, we need to know which columns of the table are the ones useful to us; set id to 1' union select column_name, 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'users' -- '.
    How to do it...
  10. And finally, we know exactly what to ask for; set id to 1' union select user, password FROM dvwa.users -- '.
    How to do it...

    In the First name field, we have the application's username and in the Surname field we have each user's password hash; we can copy these hashes to a text file and try to crack them with either John the Ripper or our favorite password cracker.

How it works...

From our first injection 1' order by 1 -- ' through 1' order by 3 -- ' we are using a feature in SQL language that allows us to order the results of a query by a certain field or column using its number in the order it is declared in the query. We used this to generate an error and be able to know how many columns the query has, so we can use them to create a union query.

The UNION statement is used to concatenate two queries that have the same number of columns, by injecting this we can query almost anything to the database. In this recipe, we first checked if it was working as expected, after that we set our objective in the users' table and investigated our way to it.

The first step was to discover the database and table's names, we did this by querying the information_schema database, which is the one that stores all the information on databases, tables, and columns in MySQL.

Once we knew the names of the database and table, we queried for the columns in such table to know which ones we were looking for, which turned out to be user and password.

And last, we injected a query asking for all usernames and passwords in the table users of the database dvwa.

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