Understanding the debug panel

The debug panel is used to view the raw data of Elasticsearch behind a visualization. It will give us detailed information, such as the results of the visualization and what the request of Elasticsearch was, along with the response from Elasticsearch, and the statistics behind it.

To view the debug panel, click on the caret (^) button. It is at the bottom of each visualization.

Let's take a look at the debug panel with Bar Chart created in Chapter 3, Exploring the Visualize Page, which shows the top five languages that have retweet.retweet_count in the ranges of 0-10 and 10-20.


Table represents the data behind the visualization in the form of a table. This table contains data in the form of pages. You can sort this data by clicking on any of the headers of the columns, as shown here:


In the preceding screenshot, you can view the raw data underlying the visualization. You can even change the Page Size value to accommodate the results in one page. Also you can export the tabular form data in either raw form or formatted form, which is exported as a CSV file.


Request represents the raw request sent to Elasticsearch as a query, which is in a JSON format. It displays the Elasticsearch request body, which can be directly queried from Elasticsearch for the created visualization:



Response represents the raw response received from Elasticsearch as the result of the request query, which is in a JSON format. It displays the Elasticsearch response body, which is the result of the query for the created visualization obtained from Elasticsearch:



Statistics represents the statistics used for the query in a tabular format, such as Query Duration, Request Duration, Hits (the total number of records), and Index, as shown here:



The debug panel can also be accessed from the Discover page (at the bottom of the histogram) and the Visualize page (at the bottom of the visualization).

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