Understanding the dashboard canvas

The dashboard canvas provides a preview of all saved visualizations added to the dashboard. As every added visualization appears on the dashboard canvas within a container, we will explore various ways of customizing these containers. By customizing these containers, we can easily create a beautiful visualization.

Moving visualizations

In a dashboard, you can rearrange the added visualizations as per your liking. We can move the container that has visualizations anywhere in the dashboard.

To move containers, perform these steps:

  1. Click and drag the container title bar (heading) using the mouse.
  2. Release the button where you wish to confirm the new location for the visualization.


    While you are moving a container, other containers will shift as per the size of the moving container.

Resizing visualizations

In a dashboard, you can also resize the added visualizations as per your liking. You can resize the container containing visualizations anywhere in the dashboard.

To resize containers, perform the following steps:

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner of the container until your pointer changes to indicate the resize option at the corner.
  2. Click and drag to resize the visualization.
  3. Release the button where you wish to confirm the new size of the visualization.

Editing visualizations

Furthermore, in a dashboard, you can edit existing visualizations.

To edit a visualization, perform these steps:

  1. Click on the edit visualization button Editing visualizations on the title bar of the container.
  2. You will be taken to the visualization canvas page, where you can edit it.
  3. After editing, click on the save visualization button. The saved visualization will automatically be updated on the dashboard.

Removing visualizations

You can remove existing visualizations from a dashboard. This provides you with the flexibility to create a dashboard as per your required visualizations and delete unnecessary visualizations.


If you are removing visualizations, please remember that this does not delete the underlying visualization, but only removes the link to the visualization from the dashboard.

To remove a container, click on the remove container button Removing visualizations present on the title bar of the container.

After using the aforementioned customizing options, we have transformed the dull-looking dashboard into a visually beautiful dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot:

Removing visualizations

The preceding dashboard provides a beautifully crafted visualization that can easily be analyzed instead of analyzing a huge amount of raw data. Trends can easily be understood using various types of charts, as you can see.


By default, all dashboards in Kibana 4 are stored in the .kibana index. If you delete this index (manually or by clearing all indexes in Elasticsearch) then all your saved searches, visualizations, and dashboards will be lost.

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