Steps for designing visualization

To create a new visualization, we follow a step-by-step process that can be initiated by clicking on the Visualize tab, which is the second tab at the top of the page.


If you are already creating a visualization, you can create a new visualization by clicking on the New Visualization button Steps for designing visualization, which is present in the toolbar just to the right of the search bar.

Step 1 – selecting a visualization type

It lists the different visualization types with an option to select any one of the following:

Area Chart

Use Area Charts to visualize the total contribution of several different series. The areas can be displayed as stacked, overlap, percentage, wiggle, or silhouette.

Data Table

Use Data Tables to display tables of aggregated data stored in Elasticsearch.

Line Chart

Use Line Charts to display the aggregated data in the form of lines. The lines can be displayed on a scale of linear, log, or square root.

Markdown widget

Use Markdown widget to display any type of information or instructions related to dashboard.


Use the Metric visualization to display a single number on your dashboard for various metric aggregations.

Pie Chart

Use Pie Charts to display each source's contribution to a total. It can be displayed as a pie or as a donut.

Tile Map

Use Tile Maps to display a map for results based on GeoHash aggregation, which requires a geo_point field.

Vertical Bar Chart

Use Vertical Bar Charts as a general-purpose chart. The bar chart can be displayed as stacked, percentage or grouped.

When clicking on the Visualization tab to create a new visualization, you will see the following options as shown in the following image:

Step 1 – selecting a visualization type

In this figure, you have various selection options to create a new visualization, or you can also load a saved visualization (if created earlier). We will discuss the saved visualizations in the Save Visualization section in this chapter.

If the new visualization is of the Markdown widget type, then selecting it will take you to a text entry field where you can enter the information or any text that you require. If you select any other visualization type, you will be taken to step 2.

Step 2 – selecting search data source

This step is used to select the search source on the basis of which you would visualize. You can either select a new search or a saved search as the data source for creating visualizations. All the searches are associated with an index or bunch of indices.

You have two options to select a search source:

  • From a new search
  • From a saved search

When you select from a new search and have multiple indices defined, then you would be given a drop-down menu to select the index on which you want to visualize. It is used to create visualizations based on stored data.

When you select from a saved search, it will link the visualization with the search query saved on the Discover page. As the search is linked with visualization, any changes made to the search, the visualization will be automatically updated.

You will see the following options to select a search source as shown in the following figure:

Step 2 – selecting search data source

In this figure, you can see the option of choosing a search source from either a new search or a saved search. Upon selecting either of them, you will be taken to step 3.

Step 3 – the visualization canvas

This step is very important as it enables you to create, edit, and configure visualizations. The main elements of the visualization canvas are:

  1. Toolbar
  2. Aggregation designer
  3. Previewing visualization
    Step 3 – the visualization canvas


The toolbar is used for powerful analysis of data based on search queries and filters. It is used for specifying the search query on the basis of which visualization changes and updates automatically. It has a search field that is used for interactive searching of data along with controls to create, save, or load visualizations. The toolbar consists of a search bar along with option buttons such as New Visualization, Save Visualization, Load Saved Visualization, Share Visualization, and Refresh.


For visualizations created using saved search (described in step 2), the search bar is grayed out and displays, This visualization is linked to a saved search. Double-click on it to unlink the visualization from saved search providing you with an option to edit the search.

New Visualization

New Visualization provides the option to create a new visualization. It erases the present visualization and creates a new one to play with. It is done by clicking on the New Visualization button New Visualization, which is situated on the toolbar beside the search bar:

New Visualization

Save Visualization

Save Visualization provides the option of saving a created visualization. It is used to save the current created visualization along with the selected index information. This option is situated beside the New Visualization button on the toolbar.

To save a visualization, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a visualization.
  2. Click on the Save Visualization button Save Visualization present on the toolbar next to the New Search button:
    Save Visualization
  3. Give it a title to save.
    Save Visualization
  4. Click on Save to save the visualization.

Load Saved Visualization

Load Saved Visualization provides the option of loading any previously created and saved visualization. It is used to load visualization with a specified index. If loading a saved visualization included a different index, then on loading it, the selected index also gets updated. This option is situated beside the Save Visualization button on the toolbar.

To load a saved visualization:

  1. Click on the Load Saved Visualization button Load Saved Visualization present in the toolbar next to the Save Visualization button:
    Load Saved Visualization
  2. Specify the saved name to load it. All the saved visualization filters are displayed below the search bar.
    Load Saved Visualization
  3. Click on it to load the saved visualization.

Share Visualization

Share Visualization provides the option of sharing your visualization, which is either created or saved and can be shared among the people to view. It also provides the option of either sharing the link to your visualization or embedding the visualization within any HTML page (which would still require access to Kibana for viewing). This option is situated beside the Save Visualization button in the toolbar.

To share visualization, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Share Visualization button Share Visualization present in the toolbar next to the Save Visualization button:
    Share Visualization
  2. Upon clicking on it, you will find a link for embedding this visualization and sharing the visualization:
    Share Visualization
  3. Click on the copy to clipboard button Share Visualization beside Share a link to copy the link and share it. Otherwise, you can copy to clipboard button beside Embed this visualization, and paste the iframe source into an HTML page to display visualizations in a webpage/application.


The refresh button is used to refresh the page.

Aggregation designer

This is the heart of creating visualizations. It is displayed on the left-hand side of the Visualize page. It is used for configuring the metric and bucket aggregations as discussed previously, which is used for visualizations. Buckets are similar to SQL Group By statements. The aggregation builder consists of two tabs:

  • Data: this is used for specifying the metric and bucket aggregations. Metric aggregations include count, average, sum, min, max, standard deviation, unique count, percentile, and percentile ranks. Bucket aggregations include date histogram, histogram, range, date range, IPv4 range, terms, filters, and significant terms.

    For each different type of visualization we have different types of metrics and bucket options, which are described briefly in the following table:

    Type of visualization



    Area Chart


    X-axis, split area, split chart

    Data Table


    Split rows, split table

    Line Chart


    X-axis, split lines, split chart




    Pie Chart

    Slice size

    Split slices, split chart

    Tile Map


    Geo coordinates, split chart

    Vertical Bar Chart


    X-axis, split bars, split chart

    You can set the order of execution for each bucket. The re-ordering of buckets changes the order of execution.


    In Kibana, the first aggregation becomes the base data set for subsequent aggregations.

  • Options: this is used to display the various types of view options associated with each type of visualization. Each visualization created has its own view options to change a few aspects. These are optional and have options that can be selected or de-selected as per requirements. It provides flexibility in creating different types of visualizations. Some of the options associated with visualizations are briefly stated in the following table:

    Type of visualization

    View options

    Area Chart

    Chart mode (stacked, overlap, percentage, wiggle, silhouette), smooth lines, set Y-axis extents, scale Y-axis to data bounds, show tooltip, show legend

    Data Table

    Per page, show metrics for every bucket/level, show partial rows

    Line Chart

    Y-axis scale (linear, log, square root), smooth lines, show connecting lines, show circles, set Y-axis extents, scale Y-axis to data bounds, show tooltip, show legend


    Font size

    Pie Chart

    Donut, show tooltip, show legend

    Tile Map

    Map type (scaled circle markers, shaded circle markers, shaded GeoHash grid, Heatmap), desaturate map tiles

    Vertical Bar Chart

    Bar mode (stacked, percentage, grouped) set Y-axis extents, scale Y-axis to data bounds, show tooltip, show legend

    To see the visualization on a preview canvas, click on the green Apply Changes button Aggregation designer at the top right of the aggregation builder, beside the two tabs of Data and Options.

Preview canvas

Preview canvas is used to display a preview of the visualization created using the aggregation designer. Whenever the aggregation designers apply changes with different sets of metrics, options are automatically displayed on the preview canvas.

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