
This tab is used to view, edit, delete, export, and import saved objects, such as saved searches, saved visualizations, and saved dashboards.

Managing saved searches, visualizations, and dashboards

This provides an advanced setting in which modification of an existing saved object can be done. It enhances the reusability of created searches, visualizations, or dashboards. The objects can be viewed, edited, deleted, exported, or imported into Kibana. To manage saved objects, go to Settings | Objects. The following page will be displayed:

Managing saved searches, visualizations, and dashboards

Viewing a saved object

In this setting, it provides a single page to view all the saved objects. The saved objects can be viewed in the Objects tab which is under the Settings page. If you have saved a search in the Discover page, it will be listed inside the Searches tab. If you have saved a visualization in the Visualize page, it will be listed inside the Visualizations tab. If you have saved a dashboard in the Dashboard page, it will be listed inside the Dashboards tab.

To view a saved object, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Settings tab, followed by the Objects tab.
  2. All the saved objects will be displayed within the respective tabs.
  3. Click on the selection box to select the object that you want to view.
  4. Click on the view button Viewing a saved object.

Editing a saved object

With the setting of editing a saved object, Kibana provides the flexibility to directly alter the object description, the object metadata, the object saved name, and the JSON that specifies all the properties of the object.

To edit a saved object, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Settings tab, followed by the Objects tab.
  2. All the saved objects will be displayed within the respective tabs.
  3. Click on the selection box to select the object that you want to edit.
  4. Then click on the edit button Editing a saved object.
  5. Make changes to the object name, description, metadata, or object properties.
  6. Click on the save object button Editing a saved object.


    Directly clicking on the name of the saved object will lead you to edit the saved object page.

Deleting a saved object

With this setting, you can delete any created or saved object. It provides an easy way to directly delete saved objects.

To delete a saved object, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Settings tab and then on the Objects tab.
  2. All the saved objects will be displayed within the respective tabs.
  3. Click on the selection box to select the object that you want to delete.
  4. Then click on the delete button Deleting a saved object.

Exporting saved objects

Once you do this setting, you can easily export saved objects and they can be reused whenever needed. By exporting saved objects, a backup can easily be maintained, which can be used if the object gets deleted or corrupted.

To export a saved object, perform the following steps:

  1. Again, click on the Settings tab and then on the Objects tab.
  2. All the saved objects will be displayed within the respective tabs.
  3. Click on the selection box to select the object that you want to export.
  4. Click on the export button Exporting saved objects and specify the location to save the object exported in JSON format at.

Importing saved objects

With this setting you can easily import saved objects providing the ability to reuse whenever needed.

To import saved objects:

  1. Click on the Settings tab, followed by the Objects tab.
  2. Click on the import button to import the saved object.
  3. Specify the filename to be imported, which contains the saved object JSON data.
  4. Click on Open after choosing the file.


    If you import an object that already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite the existing object or not.

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