Assigning a permission node to a plugin command

Now that we have created the permission node, we want to prevent players from using the enchant command if they do not have the enchanter.enchant node. This process is simple, as it only requires adding a few more lines to the plugin.yml file.

For the enchant command, we will add two attributes, namely permission and permission-message. The permission attribute is simply the permission node that is needed to execute the command. The permission-message attribute is a message that the player will see if they do not have the necessary permissions. After these additions, the plugin.yml file will look like this:

name: Enchanter
version: 0.2
main: com.codisimus.enchanter.Enchanter
description: Used to quickly put enchantments on an item
    aliases: [e]
    description: Adds enchantments to the item in your hand
    usage: Hold the item you wish to enchant and type /enchant
    permission: enchanter.enchant
    permission-message: You do not have permission to enchant items
    description: Needed to use the enchant command
    default: op

You may want to add colors to the permission message. This can be done by using the § symbol. This is the character that Minecraft uses to indicate a color code. This symbol can be easily typed by holding Alt while pressing 2 and then 1. A list of all the colors and their corresponding code can be found at An example of the permissions-message line with color support looks like this:

permission-message: §4You do not have permission to §6enchant items
Assigning a permission node to a plugin command
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