Registering an event listener

After deciding which event we will listen for, it is time to start programming. Create a new project, as described in Chapter 3, Creating Your First Bukkit Plugin, and call it NoRain. Don't forget to create a plugin.yml file as well.

In order to listen for an event, your plugin must have a class that is registered as a Listener class. We will only have one class, named, for this project. Therefore, we will make this a Listener class as well. The class declaration will look like the following line of code:

public class NoRain extends JavaPlugin implements Listener

Alternatively, if this is a large project, you can make a class for the Listener class, which is similar to how the Enchanter project had CommandExecutor as a separate class. Also, like CommandExecutor, a Listener class will implement an interface method. The interface method that we wish to implement is org.bukkit.event.Listener.

The class is declared as a Listener class but it is still not registered with Bukkit. To register all the events within the listener, insert the following line of code in the onEnable method:

getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);

This line retrieves the PluginManager class and uses it to register the events. The PluginManager class is used for several things, including handling events, enabling/disabling plugins, and handling player permissions. Most of the time, you will use it to register event listeners. It has a registerEvents method that takes a Listener object and a JavaPlugin object as parameters. The only class that exists is both the Listener and JavaPlugin. So, we will pass the this object to both the parameters. If the Listener class is separated from the main class, then the line will look like the following line of code:

getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new WeatherListener(), this);

This is all that is needed within the onEnable method.

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