Getting ready

In this recipe, we are using WalkForwardWalkLeftWalkRight, and Idle animations, and a looped AimForward animation. The first four animations are covered in the Using root motion to steer a character recipe in Chapter 4Character Movement. The last one is a simple looped aim animation where our character aims a crossbow straight ahead. You can go to the Chapter 07 Special effectsRecipe 07 Using sprite sheets to animate particles directory. You will find an Example.unity scene there. Open it and play the game. You can move the character with the WSAD keys and rotate the camera with the mouse. You can find the AimForward animation in the Rigs directory and all the other required animations in the Chapter 04 Character movementRecipe 03 Using root motion to steer a character directory. We also need a Crossbow prop, which you can find in the Props folder.

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