
In this chapter, you've been introduced to 3D by taking a 2D app and converting it to 3D with very little effort. Not only that, you were also shown how to do this with the MVVM pattern. You were also shown how to interact with the scene, the differences between 2D and 3D viewpoints, how to use online and offline surface models, controlling the scene, and lastly, how to add some basic 3D content. You were also shown how to incorporate another ViewModel class into the overall design so that you can reuse it by having ViewModel bound to a WPF user control. With this information, you now have enough background knowledge to continue on to the next level so that you can create geometry and symbolize your own content.

In the next chapter, we will take a deeper dive into the ArcGIS Runtime API by looking at geometry and symbology. Learning about geometry and symbology will allow us to construct the 2D and 3D objects and make them appear in a wide variety of ways to meet user requirements.

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