
Graphite is a time series database which excels in storing large amounts of metrics and has a mature query language, which can be used by applications to manipulate the data.

We first need to install the required graphite packages:

    sudo apt-get install graphite-api graphite-carbon graphite-web

The preceding command gives the following output:

Edit the storage schemas file /etc/graphite/storage-schemas.conf and place the following into it:

pattern = ^carbon.
retentions = 60:90d
pattern = .*
retentions = 60s:1d

And now we can create the graphite database by running the following command:

     sudo graphite-manage syncdb

The preceding command will give the following output:

Set the password for the root user when prompted:

     sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi

The preceding command gives the following output:

In order to stop the default apache site from conflicting with the graphite web service, we need to disable it by running the following command:

     sudo a2dissite 000-default

The preceding command gives the following output:

We can now copy the apache graphite configuration into the apache environment:

     sudo cp /usr/share/graphite-web/apache2-graphite.conf
sudo a2ensite apache2-graphite

The preceding commands give the following output:

Restart the apache service:

    sudo service apache2 reload
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