Following best practices to deploy your cluster

When deploying your cluster, attention should be paid to understanding the process rather than following guided examples. This will give you better knowledge of the various components that make up Ceph and should you encounter any errors during deployment or operation, you will be much better placed to solve them. The next chapter of this book goes into more detail on deployment of Ceph, including the use of orchestration tools.

Initially, it is recommended that the default options for both the operating system and Ceph are used. It is better to start from a known state should any issues arise during deployment and initial testing.

RADOS pools replication level should be left at the default of 3 and the minimum replication level of 2. This corresponds to the pool variables of size and min_size, respectively. Unless there is both a good understanding and reason for the impact of lowering these values, it would be unwise to change them. The replication size determines how many copies of data will be stored in the cluster, and the effects of lowering it should be obvious in terms of protection against data loss. Less understood is the effect of min_size in relation to data loss and is a common reason for it.

The min_size variable controls how many copies the cluster must write to acknowledge the write back to a client. A min_size of 2 means that the cluster must be able to write two copies of data; this can mean in a severely degraded scenario that write operations are blocked if the PG has only one remaining copy and will continue to do so until the PG is recovered to have two copies of the object. This is the reason that there may be a desire to decrease min_size to 1 so that in this event, cluster operations can still continue and if availability is more important than consistency, then this can be a valid decision. However, with a min_size of 1, data may be written to only one OSD and there is no guarantee that the number of desired copies will be met anytime soon. During that period, any component failure will likely result in loss of data written in the degraded state. If summary downtime is bad, data loss is typically worse and these two settings will probably have one of the biggest impacts on the probability of data loss.

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