Running PoC to determine if Ceph has met the requirements

A proof of concept (PoC) cluster should be deployed to test the design and identify any issues early on before proceeding with full-scale hardware procurement. This should be treated as a decision point in the project; don't be afraid to revisit goals or start design from fresh if any serious issues are uncovered. If you have existing hardware of similar specifications, then it should be fine to use it in the proof of concept, but the aim should be to try and test hardware that is as similar as possible to what you intend to build the production cluster with, so as to be able to fully test the design.

As well as testing for stability, the PoC cluster should also be used to forecast if it looks likely that the goals you have set for the project will be met.

The proof of concept stage is also a good time to firm up your knowledge on Ceph, practice day-to-day operations and test out features. This will be of benefit further down the line. You should also take this opportunity to be as abusive as possible to your PoC cluster. Randomly pull out disks, power off nodes, and disconnect network cables. If designed correctly, Ceph should be able to withstand all of these events. Carrying out this testing now will give you the confidence to operate Ceph at larger scale where these events will happen and also help you understand how to troubleshoot them more easily if needed.

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