FormulaForce Lightning Components

In designing the Lightning Components for the FormulaForce sample application contained in this book, I wanted to try to demonstrate some key integration points within the Salesforce UIs, while also ensuring the use cases fit with the application domain.

I focused on Lightning Experience and Salesforce1 Mobile. It is also good practice to think platform-first, before embarking on any extensive development. I started with the following use cases and then devised a set of components to deliver the functionality.

  • Race Overview: while the standalone Lightning Application we looked at earlier was a good means to get started with the components, it's not a Salesforce integrated solution. What I wanted to do was integrate the Lightning Experience Home Page, through the Lightning App Builder customization tool. Not only to show the overall standings (leaderboard), but to allow users to filter information through the race calendar to show the results from each completed race.
  • Race Calendar accessibility: The race calendar is a key piece of information users will likely want at hand when using other parts of the application. The Lightning Experience Utility Bar (or footer) is specific to your application and contain components you want to be always accessible.
  • Race Setup assistance: There is a junction object between Race records and Drivers called Contestants. This can make setting up a race overly complex from a user experience perspective. As such I wanted to leverage Lightning Component Actions to provide a custom UI to add drivers to a race.
  • Race Results overview. Race results are the combined result of information from the Contestants, Driver, Team and Car objects. I wanted to provide an easy and contextual way of viewing the race results from the Home Page and Race Record Page through the Lightning App Builder customization tool.

Let's take a closer look at the components that I came up with.

RaceStandings component

The following screenshot shows the top most portion of the c:RaceStandings component:

RaceStandings component

The following component markup is a simplified HTML <table> styled using SLDS:

<aura:component controller="RaceStandingsComponentController" implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
  <!-- Attributes -->
  <aura:attribute name="standings" type="Object[]"access="private"/>
  <!-- Event handlers -->
  <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.onInit}"/>
  <!-- Component markup -->
    <aura:set attribute="title">
      <lightning:icon iconName="standard:reward" size="small"/>
    <table class="slds-table slds-table—borderedslds-table--cell-buffer">
      <thead><tr class="slds-text-title--caps"><th scope="col"></th><th scope="col">Driver</th><th scope="col">Team</th><th scope="col">Wins</th><th scope="col">Points</th></tr>
        <aura:iterationitems="{!v.standings}" var="standing">
            <th scope="row" data-label="Position">{!standing.Position}</th>
            <td data-label="Driver">{!standing.Driver}</td>
            <td data-label="Team">{!standing.Team}</td>
            <td data-label="Wins">{!standing.Wins}</td>
            <td data-label="Points">{!standing.Points}</td>

Other notable aspects of the RaceStandings component are:

  • It implements the flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes interface that permits the component to be dropped on to the Lightning Experience Home page or any other page edited by the Lightning App Builder.
  • The aura:iteration is similar to the Visualforce apex:repeat component, in that it will iterate over a bound list and repeat the markup defined within.
  • It uses two Base Lightning Components, lightning:card and lightning:icon, SLDS styling is implemented by these components.
  • The client controller function onInit calls a helper function that makes a call to the Apex Controller to load the information from the server. The response updates the standings attribute which in turn causes the framework to refresh the HTML table with the records:
    getStandings :function(component, event ) {
      var action = component.get("c.getStandings");
      action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
        if(response.getState() === 'SUCCESS') {
  • The Apex Controller method uses the ContestantsSelector class. In the following example the members of the Selector class ContestantsSelector.Standing do not support the @AuraEnabled attribute, so this class was not used directly in the response. The alternative RaceStanding class, allows the response to the client to be more focused on the needs of the client code:
    public with sharing class RaceStandingsComponentController {
      public static List<RaceStanding> getStandings() {
        List<RaceStanding>raceStandings = new List<RaceStanding>();
        for(ContestantsSelector.Standing standing : newContestantsSelector().selectStandingsForCurrentSeason()) {
          RaceStandingraceStanding = newRaceStanding();
          raceStanding.Position = standing.Position;
          raceStanding.Driver = standing.Driver;
          raceStanding.Team = standing.Team;
          raceStanding.Wins = standing.Wins;
          raceStanding.Points = standing.Points;
        return raceStandings;
      public class RaceStanding {
        public Integer Position;
        public String Driver;
        public String Team;
        public Integer Wins;
        public Integer Points;


The @AuraEnabled annotation is similar to the @RemoteAction annotation used with Visualforce. Both require the method to be static and thus stateless. They can also be used together on the same method thus helping with migration from Visualforce to Lightning.

RaceCalendar component

The following shows the topmost portion of the c:RaceCalendar component:

RaceCalendar component

When the user clicks on a race, the selected race is highlighted and a component application event c:RaceSelected is fired. This event will later be received by the c:RaceResults component. This event is defined as follows:

<aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Fired when the user selects a race" access="global">
  <aura:attribute name="raceId" type="string"/>
  <aura:attribute name="raceName" type="string"/>

The following component markup uses a HTML unordered list <ul>. The list and items are styled using SLDS to show a list of tiles as specified by the SLDS design guidelines:

<aura:component controller="RaceCalendarComponentController" implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
  <!-- Attributes -->
  <aura:attribute name="calendar" type="Object" access="private"/>
  <!-- Event handlers -->
  <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.onInit}"/>
  <!-- Component markup -->
    <aura:set attribute="title">
      <lightning:icon iconName="standard:campaign" size="small"/>&nbsp;Race Calendar
  <div class="slds-p-around--small"><ul class="slds-has-dividers--around-space">
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.calendar.Remaining}" var="race"><li class="{!'slds-item ' + (race.Selected ? 'selectedRace' : '')}" onclick="{!c.onRaceClicked}" data-raceid="{!race.Id}" data-racename="{!race.Name}">
       <div class="slds-tile slds-tile--board">
         <h4 class="slds-text-heading--small">{!race.Name}</h4>
         <div class="slds-tile__detailslds-text-body--small">
    <li class="slds-p-around--small">
      <div class="slds-text-heading--small">Completed races</div>
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.calendar.Completed}" var="race">
      <li class="{!'slds-item ' + (race.Selected ? 'selectedRace' : '')}" onclick="{!c.onRaceClicked}" data-raceid="{!race.Id}" data-racename="{!race.Name}">
        <div class="slds-tile slds-tile--board">
          <h4 class="slds-text-heading--small">{!race.Name}</h4>
          <div class="slds-tile__detailslds-text-body--small">

Other new and notable aspects of this component are as following:

  • The CSS class for the <li> elements is driven by an expression that evaluates the value of the Selected property from the race binding. This indicates which race is currently selected by the user.
  • HTML5 data attributes data-raceid and data-racename are used to assign useful information to the <li> elements. This information can later be referenced by the following controller code.
  • The onclick attribute on the <li> elements calls the c.onRaceClicked method. The helper selectRace function is invoked and uses the HTML5 data attributes to determine the Salesforce record Id for the race the user clicked on. A utility method updates the Selected property on items held in the calendar attribute. This update in turn causes the class attribute on the <li> elements to be refreshed and thus the selected race item shown. Finally the c:RaceSelected event is fired so that other components can respond accordingly:
    selectRace :function(component, event ) {    
      // Establish the selected race via HTML5 data attributes
      var selectedRaceId = event.currentTarget.dataset.raceid;
      var selectedRaceName =event.currentTarget.dataset.racename;
      // Mark the race as selected and deselect any selected
      var calendar = component.get('v.calendar'),
      component.set("v.calendar", calendar);
      // Fire the RaceSelected event
      varcompEvent = $A.get("e.c:RaceSelected");
      compEvent.setParams({"raceId" :selectedRaceId } );
      compEvent.setParams({"raceName" :selectedRaceName } );;
  • The Apex Controller method (not shown) to load the race calendar splits and correctly orders the races into two lists (based on whether or not the race has been completed already) which are then sent to the component. This reduces the amount of JavaScript needed in the controller and helper files.

RaceResults component

The following shows the topmost portion of the c:RaceResults component:

RaceResults component

The c:RaceResults component follows a similar implementation approach to the c:RaceStandings component, so the full source code is not shown here. You can review the full code through the sample code associated with this chapter:

<aura:component controller="RaceResultsComponentController" implements="force:hasRecordId,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes"  access="global">
<!-- Attributes -->
<aura:attribute name="recordName" type="String" access="private"/>
<aura:attribute name="results" type="Object[]" access="private"/>
<!--  Event handlers -->
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.onInit}"/>
<aura:handler event="c:RaceSelected"action="{!c.handleRaceSelectedEvent}"/>

The following code fragments from the component are notable:

  • The flexipage:availableForRecordHome interface, states the component is available for dropping on Record pages via Lightning App Builder.
  • The flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes interface, states the component is available for dropping on the Home page via Lightning App Builder.
  • The force:hasRecordId interface, lets the container, Lightning Experience or Salesforce1 know that the component wants to know the record ID. This is placed by the container in the recordId attribute (added by the interface), when the component is placed on a Record page.
  • The c.onInit method checks the value of the recordId attribute; if it is not null it will load the applicable race results and display them. Since the component can be dropped on the home page this can be null in that context:
    onInit :function(component, event, helper) {
      // If we have a recordId context load the race results
      varrecordId = component.get('v.recordId'),
      if(recordId!=null) {
        helper.getRaceResults(component, event);
  • The c.handleRaceSelected is called when the c:RaceSelect event is fired. The method extracts the raceId and raceName from the event parameters and refreshes the race results. This approach allows the component to exist on both the Record and Home pages and still be contextual:
    handleRaceSelectedEvent :function(component, event, helper) {
      // Update race record Id and Name attributes from Event 
      component.set('v.recordId', event.getParam('raceId'));
      // Retrieve race results
      helper.getRaceResults(component, event);

RaceSetup component

The following shows the c:RaceSetup component:

RaceSetup component

This component leverages a HTML table to display a table with a list of drivers. The lightning:input component is used to bind checkboxes to the list items. The full markup is not shown; the following code fragments are notable:

<aura:componentcontroller="RaceSetupComponentController"implements="force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader,force:hasRecordId" access="global">

<lightning:inputvalue="{!driver.Selected}" type="checkbox"
  checked="{!driver.Selected}" label="{!driver.Name}" />
<lightning:button label="Cancel" onclick="{!c.onCancel}"/>
<lightning:button label="Add Drivers"onclick="{!c.onAddDrivers}"/>

The following code fragments from the component are notable:

  • The force:lightnignQuickActionWithoutHeader is used to indicate that this component can be used when creating an Action on an object definition. When the user invokes the action the component will show in a popup without the default header and cancel button, which is the preference here since the component is rendering its own buttons. Otherwise the component would have implemented force:lightningQuickAction.
  • The c.onCancel function sends the force:closeQuickAction event to instruct the container to close the popup by executing the following code:
  • The c.onAddDrivers function calls a helper function. The helper function passes back the list of drivers to the server. The list contains the selected drivers. The Lightning framework automatically keeps the checked status of the lightning:input component in sync with the bound .Selected property on the items in the list. The Apex Controller calls the RaceService.addDrivers method. After a successful response the client controller code fires the force:showToast event (shown as following) to display a notification and the force:closeQuickAction event to close the popup:
    addDrivers :function(component, event ) {var action = component.get("c.addDrivers");
      action.setParam('raceId', component.get('v.recordId'));
      action.setCallback(this, function(response) {if(response.getState() === 'SUCCESS') {
         // Refresh the view to show the recently added drivers
         // Display Toast message to confirm drivers                    
         var resultsToast = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
         resultsToast.setParams({"title": "Add Drivers",
           "message": "Added " + response.getReturnValue() + " drivers." });;            
         // Close the action panel
RaceSetup component


In the preceding example, literal text is used. Best practice is to use a Custom Label. In this case the message text would look something like this Add {0} drivers. The client controller code would use the $A.util.format function to format the message.

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