Advance Wireless Security Lab Using the Wi-Fi Pineapple Nano/Tetra

As we explore deep into the world of wireless technology, you will find it to be much more vast and complex than it may seem as it pushes us to focus especially on the security measures and the protection of the end user's data. We will take a short look into the history leading to what standard Wi-Fi has become today. Next, you'll focus on learning the fundamentals of 802.11 and the hardware, protocols, functions, and most recent components to build extensively on your knowledge with the layer 3 devices. Once you know how it works, our shift can now revolve into the vulnerabilities associated. The following topic will we be about various advanced wireless security device: the Wi-fi Pineapple Tetra and Nano, The Ubertooth, and the YardstickOne RF. This will lead to a better understanding the details regarding the radio frequency communication between electronic devices. We'll conclude on a related matter regarding the future of Wi-Fi and the impact it has already had throughout the world.

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