Cyber Kill Chain and OPSEC

Now that we've mapped the Cyber Kill Chain and OODA, we can now start looking at how this applies to the OPSEC process: 

  1. Identification of critical information and systems:
    • Where are my crown jewels and what systems are supporting them?
  2. Analysis of threats:
    • Who wants our information and why?
    • How do they typically operate?
  3. Analysis of vulnerabilities:
    • Where are the gaps in our defenses?
    • What are the capabilities that we lack?
  4. Assessment of risk:
    • What is the probability of exploitation of vulnerabilities that may impact our organization's critical systems?
  1. Application of appropriate countermeasures:
    • How can we be proactive in addressing potential exploitation opportunities?
    • How do we monitor, communicate, and mitigate at each step of the Cyber Kill Chain? 

By understanding and evaluating step 1 to step 4, we can now look at the Cyber Kill Chain to answer step 5:

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