Collaboration at the Tactical Level

Tactical communications are different than strategic communications in that they are relevant to the day-to-day operations. Strategic communications will drive the PIRs for higher level, big picture issue/solution information gathering. These will influence how future projects will be decided on and resourced.

The following are the steps for tactical cyber intelligence collaboration:

  1. High-level support for a cyber intelligence capability and collaboration defined and communicated to the organization
  2. Collaboration methods must exist and procedures must be documented
  3. Prioritization of information collection requirements from strategic and tactical leadership
  4. Means to aggregate multiple information feeds from the intelligence processes
  5. Ability to process information and produce dashboards that help define decision making

Although the steps are similar to strategic cyber intelligence collaboration, the goal for creating tactical communication channels is to improve how IT service operations and IT security operations enable intelligence products to flow to and from each entity. The better integration of communication channels between tactical teams, the faster we can make decisions. 

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