Just another day part 3

1300- Eastern Standard Time. Location: Chesty Lewis Puller Security Operations Center, Centralia, Virginia. 

"Alright, let's roll call," Charles announced.

After each person presented themselves, Charles went on. "So we had a situation in APAC that popped up on our dashboard. Seems that we had an email with some malware coming in. I've got Tatsuya from Japan and Sandeep from India on the line to clarify, but it seems that the situation is under control, is that correct gentlemen?"

"Yes, hi," said Tatsuya," I only had one user impacted. We followed our incident response procedures and have the evidence that you need. The user is back online."

"It is the same situation here," Sandeep said, "the users received an email from security awareness a few minutes ago informing them of this. If anything else shows up, everyone knows to let the help desk know."

"Great. Tatsuya, I'll get you to send that to our guy in the Czech Republic. He loves that stuff," Charles said. "Mauricio, how about the firewalls?"

"I've already been working with the IT operations guys and we've gone ahead and blocked the sender domain based on the TTP information we've received from our threat intel folks."

"Perfect." Charles walks over to the risk dashboard monitors. "Let's move on. Any major KRIs to report, Jacek?"

"We were seeing a downward trend on the remediation of high severity tickets on our Tier 1 applications. To stay green, they need to be fixing these to keep the average between 0-3 vulnerabilities per server, per week, and right now there are about 3 for the last four weeks. They know and they are working on it. They lost a guy a month ago so they are working on his replacement," Jacek said. "We've also moved up from amber to green on all severity levels for our Tier 2 applications," he added.

As the SOC meeting went on, each person present provided their updates as required, passing information to each other as appropriate.

"Alright, folks," Charles said. "It's Friday, and I've got to send up a brief summary to the bosses on APAC as well as other PIRs. If no one has anything else, have a great day."

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