Communication and cyber intelligence process

As we've already learned, building the necessary channels of communication is required to establish a cyber intelligence capability. We first need to understand how communication fits into the cyber intelligence process throughout the different levels. Although in the beginning, we will be getting information about the status of other processes through informal  communication, we will have to build the formal communication channels through projects.

Let's revisit the Cyber Intelligence Process Integration:

Collection efforts in the form of priority information requirements are sent from the Strategic Level to the Tactical Level at the Collection to Find phases of the intelligence and F3EAD processes, respectively. In previous chapters, we've used corporate to region as a means to convey this point. We should now look at what that means from the overall IT perspective. When the CIO says that they need information, it would be very easy to say that the Tactical Level passes the request over to the Operational Level and then back up again, but we need to build the communication lines between all three levels.

In the last chapter, we touched on how we can build the capability using threat intelligence. Throughout the rest of the book, we will be using the same concept of building through a Capability Maturity Model; however, we need examples on how we can get information to the right people, at the right time, and in the right way.

Each organization is different in the way it communicates and the following collaboration techniques are ideas and guidelines. These are not set on this is the right way because the right way is a subjective statement. The only correct way of doing things is if what you requested meets what you intended. If there was any deviation in the message, that means that there was a break in the communication that needs to be rectified or what was requested was not clear enough.

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