Executive support

The concept of business intelligence is not so different than collecting information about the enterprise and using it to make IT business decisions. If you are in a small to medium business, you may be in a position to walk up to the CIO or CEO and say "hey, this is a good idea and I think we should do it." If you are part of a large organization, this may seem a bit of a stretch. As much as there has been talk on agility and innovation in business, in a large organization this means it takes time to get there because there have been processes that have been in place for years. Also, a lot of people don't like change and go with the phrase if it ain't broke, then don't fix it. Just as business requirements change and organizations are trying to be competitive, as information technology leaders, we must adapt to those requirements and influence those to follow us down the unfamiliar road.

Here are a few questions for you to answer that can help with your business case proposal:

  • Why do you think that a cyber intelligence capability is important to your organization?
  • From an IT perspective, how do you think that a cyber intelligence capability would improve the business?
  • How is consolidating and reconciling information from other IT teams beneficial to your decision-making process?
  • How can we improve how we communicate to other IT teams across the enterprise?

This is by far the most important requirement because, without buy-in from the executive stakeholders, there will be no reason for a project/program to get the resources it needs to become a reality.

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