Prioritized information

Information requests need to be prioritized by key stakeholders at the Strategic Levels as they are the decision makers on the strategy of the IT organization.

At this level, the most important queries have to include:

  • The what:
    • It is the information that is critical to making a decision on a strategic objective
    • It provides the tactical leadership with an idea of what teams to pass the request for information to, so that the specific targets are sent to the correct people to engage them
  • The why:
    • It is the information that needs to be understood at the Tactical Level so that they can look for any other opportunities to exploit more information in the collection process
    • It shows the tactical leadership the importance of the information to the mission

The preceding diagram shows how the PIRs are driven from the Strategic Level to the Tactical Level. Notice that once the PIR information is received at the Tactical Level, the PIRs are split into smaller PIRs and are distributed to the operational teams for action.

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