Red team constraints

There are many constraints with this team, but I wanted to list just three main ones:

  • Time:
    • As with any project, the resources can't last forever. There is a definitive start and stop date.
    • Red teams have to bear this in mind, whereas adversaries don't have to worry about time as they can take as long as they like.
  •  Skillset:
    • If the team is in-house, you will have a skillset deficit unless your team is constantly training on the newest TTPs.
    • If the team is outsourced, you will be paying a premium for those skill sets.
  • Rules of engagement:
    • Red teams have rules that they have to follow, which does not allow them to exploit:
      • Production networks and systems
      • Out of band vulnerabilities, such as:
        • Family members
        • Neighbors
        • Personal home networks
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