Phase initial

Again, the initial phase is about planning with key personnel. 

The goal is to:

  • Identify the problems with key personnel
  • Develop and present solutions with key personnel

Example steps:

  1. Identify the key personnel.
  2. With the key personnel:
    • Draw the end-to-end process from how threat intelligence is developed 
    • Draw the end-to-end process from how an IT help desk incident ticket is created and closed
    • Define (if any) points and document where these processes intersect
    • Identify and provide solutions to any challenging areas or areas for improvement:
      • How can we use and correlate information between our teams?
      • What KRI do we put in place to know when we have an issue?
      • How can we report to one another if the threshold is met?
      • How do we report to our supervisors when the thresholds is met?
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