Chapter 7, Using the CUDA Libraries with Scikit-CUDA

  1. SBLAH starts with an S, so this function uses 32-bit real floats. ZBLEH starts with a Z, which means it works with 128-bit complex floats.
  2. Hint: set trans = cublas._CUBLAS_OP['T']
  3. Hint: use the Scikit-CUDA wrapper to the dot product, skcuda.cublas.cublasSdot
  4. Hint: build upon the answer to the last problem.
  5. You can put the cuBLAS operations in a CUDA stream and use event objects with this stream to precisely measure the computation times on the GPU.
  6. Since the input appears as being complex to cuFFT, it will calculate all of the values as NumPy.
  7. The dark edge is due to the zero-buffering around the image. This can be mitigated by mirroring the image on its edges rather than by using a zero-buffer.

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