
As in the last chapter, we'll be learning how to write CUDA kernel functions as inline CUDA C in our Python code and launch them onto our GPU using PyCUDA. In the last chapter, we used templates provided by PyCUDA to write kernels that fall into particular design patterns; in contrast, we'll now see how to write our own kernels from the ground up, so that we can write a versatile variety of kernels that may not fall into any particular design pattern covered by PyCUDA, and so that we may get a more fine-tuned control over our kernels. Of course, these gains will come at the expense of greater complexity in programming; we'll especially have to get an understanding of threads, blocks, and grids and their role in kernels, as well as how to synchronize the threads in which our kernel is executing, as well as understand how to exchange data among threads.

Let's start simple and try to re-create some of the element-wise operations we saw in the last chapter, but this time without using the ElementwiseKernel function; we'll now be using the SourceModule function. This is a very powerful function in PyCUDA that allows us to build a kernel from scratch, so as usual it's best to start simple.

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