Manual context creation

So far, we have been importing pycuda.autoinit at the beginning of all of our PyCUDA programs; this effectively creates a context at the beginning of our program and has it destroyed at the end. 

Let's try doing this manually. We will make a small program that just copies a small array to the GPU, copies it back to the host, prints the array, and exits.

We start with the imports:

import numpy as np
from pycuda import gpuarray
import pycuda.driver as drv

First, we initialize CUDA with the pycuda.driver.init function, which is here aliased as drv:


Now we choose which GPU we wish to work with; this is necessary for the cases where one has more than one GPU. We can select a specific GPU with  pycuda.driver.Device; if you only have one GPU, as I do, you can access it with pycuda.driver.Device(0), as follows:

dev = drv.Device(0)

We can now create a new context on this device with make_context, as follows:

ctx = dev.make_context()

Now that we have a new context, this will automatically become the default context. Let's copy an array into the GPU, copy it back to the host, and print it:

x = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.float32([1,2,3]))
print x.get()

Now we are done. We can destroy the context by calling the pop function:


That's it! We should always remember to destroy contexts that we explicitly created with pop before our program exists.

(This example can be seen in the file under this chapter's directory in the repository.)

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