
  1. Quiz-tion 1: Which statement about machine learning is NOT CORRECT?
    1. Machine learning is interdisciplinary
    2. It is only used by the finance industry
    3. Non-profit organizations are using it to solve ambiental and social issues
    4. Machine learning techniques can be used to build recommenders
  2. Quiz-tion 2: About machine learning algorithms—it would be wrong to say that:
    1. Hierarchical clustering and k-means clustering are unsupervised learning techniques
    2. Random forests can be characterized as ensemble learning
    3. Neural networks can't deal with classification problems
    4. Transformations can sometimes improve clustering
  1. Quiz-tion 3: Which of the following tricks are said to be related to SVM models?
    1. The hat trick
    2. The kernel trick
    3. The mirror trick
    4. The dragon-slayer trick


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