
  • Quiz-tion: Which of the following packages directly implement functions named after HTTP verbs such as GET and POST in R?
    1. ggplot2
    2. tidytext
    3. dplyr
    4. httr
  • Quiz-tion: Read the following statements and pick the wrong one:
    1. rvest and httr can be used to retrieve data from the web
    2. The gsub() function is useful to find and replace patterns
    3. Clustering analysis is only useful to the industry and does not have a single application to academic research
    4. The  dendextend package is able to craft visualizations on the top of clusters
  • Quiz-tion: Which of the following packages offers an easy interface to the interact with Twitter's API?
    1. httr
    2. rvest
    3. rtweet
    4. not

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See you in Antica.

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