
  1. Quiz-tion: Network layers can be characterized by the position they have in the architecture, as well as from the specialized task they perform. Which three names could we give them?
    1. Converging, cognitive, and core layer
    2. Input, hidden, and output layer
    3. Dense, fully connected, and power layer
    4. Blue, red, and green layer
  2. Quiz-tion: Which of the following names is not directly related to activation functions?
    1. ReLU
    2. Convolutional
    3. Tanh
    4. Sigmoid
  3. Quiz-tion: Which of the following statements is false?
    1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were inspired by neuroscience
    2. Adams is a very popular training algorithm (strategy)
    3. ANN can be only used for fraud detection
    4. Epochs, learning rate, and batch-size are hyperparameters

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