Visualizing Data

"Any authentic work of art must start an argument between the artist and his audience."
                                                                                                        – Rebecca West 

"Did you understand, or would you like me to draw it?" You might offend someone asking this way, but I would prefer if you drew it. Understanding information displayed in well-designed plots is much easier/faster. Plots are an amazing way to display information and an important skill to master.

This chapter's primary goal is to draw similar plots using different packages. While giving a brief overview of the different drawing packages, this chapter will also give tips about the ways to retrieve data, process it, and improve your plot.

In this chapter, the following topics will be covered:

  • Retrieving data from the World Bank Data API
  • Preparing the data to plot
  • Drawing bubble plots with ggplot2
  • Building interactive plots with ggvisplotly, and rCharts
  • Using Google Charts through R
  • Building interactive choropleths (maps) with googleVis
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