
Lots of graphical packages were covered in this chapter: ggplot2ggvisplotlyrCharts, and googleVis. With ggplot2 alone, you can easily draw high-quality plots. Combine it with other packages such as shiny or plotly to make interactive graphics.

The remaining packages—ggvisplotlyrCharts, and googleVisare specialized in making interactive graphics. These are great for applications of all kinds and web pages. Even academic journals are encouraging writers to craft and publish interactive plots.

This chapter drew bubble plots and a choropleth using the different packages. There are lots of kind of plots we could have drawn using these same packages. Some examples are as follows:

  • Heatmaps
  • Scatterplots
  • Bar plots
  • Lollipop plots
  • Pizza charts

Crafting visualization is a great skill. Unless you are only dealing with databases—architecture and/or maintenance—this skill is a must-have. A safe path to take is to master ggplot2 plus another package focused on interactive visuals. Practicing is the best way to improve. Drawing really pretty plots and tweeting them frequently is a great way to improve your skills while promoting yourself.

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