
  1. Quiz-tion: What is the output of the command lapply from the apply family of functions
    1. List
    2. Matrix
    3. A list and a matrix
  2. Quiz-tion: Which of the following options best describes the functionality of fread in data.table?
    1. To load functions from a file
    2. To load a delimited file
    3. To load comma-separated (csv) files with embedded R functions
  1. Quiz-tion: Many data.table functions (set functions) are applied in-place, that is, the functions modify the object without creating a duplicate copy. How can we ensure that our original data.table remains unchanged when applying such operations?
    1. Create a copy of the data.table using the make.data.table command
    2. Create a copy using the copy command in data.table
    3. This is not possible due to restrictions in data.table. Use data.frame instead

Q1 - 1, Q2 - 2, Q3 - 2

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