
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


3D printing 115

3Rs principles

rearchitect 145

relocate 144

right-sizing 144

5Cs, for digital transformation security

capabilities 361

capital 361

change management 361

C-level commitment 361

culture 361

9R framework, circular principles

R0 Refuse 170

R1 Rethink 170

R2 Reduce 170

R3 Reuse 170

R4 Repair 170

R5 Refurbish 170

R6 Remanufacture 170

R7 Repurpose 171

R8 Recycle 171

R9 Recover 171

1990s Freon refrigeration chaos 258


Accenture 81, 358, 360

carbon emission reduction study 81

Acer 188

public commitments 189

Air France KLM 356

Alfa Laval 90

Alibaba Cloud 97

Alibaba Cloud Sustainability Report 2021

reference link 98


Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact 102, 103

power of 101

Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance 103

Amazon's sustainability work

reference links 97

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 96, 117, 145, 161, 309, 360

public commitments 96, 97

Apple 158, 188, 282

public commitments 188

application assessment criteria 127

costs 129

data and data protection 130

functional fit 128

risk and compliance 130

strategic value 128

sustainability 130

technical fit 129

TIME analysis 134, 135

application portfolio management 67, 122, 123

application assessment criteria 127, 128

application rationalization process 125-127

cost case 124, 125

objectives 123

TIME analysis 131, 132

application rationalization process 125, 126

application portfolio, executing 126

application portfolio, managing 126

data collection, distributing 126

key stakeholders, identifying 126

roadmap, implementing 126

target analysis 126

value assessment, conducting 126

applications 67

Arabesque S-Ray dataset 359

artificial intelligence (AI) 115, 274

Asus 189

public commitments 189

Atea’s Guide, Sustainable IT Procurement 260

Atea Sustainability Focus (ASF) manager 255

atNorth 90

Atos 272

augmented reality (AR) 115

autonomous vehicles 115


Bahnhof 90

Basel Convention 177

Base TEC Allowance 208

Blue Angel certified smartphone 158

bluewashing 249

British Gas 278

Building and Construction Authority (BCA) 102

URL 102

building information modeling (BIM) 13

building management solutions (BMS) 278

business innovation 25-27

Business Intelligence (BI) platforms 115

buying power

leveraging 69


Canadian Standards Association (CSA) 318

Capability Maturity Model (CMM) 302

Capgemini 167

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) 272, 276

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 20, 186

Carbon Emission Management (CEM) 271

carbon footprint impacting factors

data center sustainability score card 89, 90

energy consumption 85-87

life cycle assessment 88

location 84, 85

carbon-free emission (CFE) 307

carbon-free energy 80

carbon intensity reduction techniques 82

Carbon Law 8

Care by Volvo 282

Center for Resource Solutions' Green-e 102

URL 102

Central Processing Units (CPUs) 75

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) 181

Chief Sustainability Officers (CSO) 272, 356

chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) 258

circular economy

transitioning to 27-29

circular IT hardware management 168, 169

9R framework circular economy 169

business case, creating 174-177

circular transition 171

circular procurement analysis

common ground approach 257

double materiality analysis 257

starting, from end 257

sustainable consumption, focusing on 258

circular transition 171

leveraging 171-173

Cisco Meraki 278

citizen-driven innovation 290

diversity 290

impact 290

sustainability 290

CleanTech 269, 367

climate action failure 4

climate change

atmosphere, decarbonizing 8, 9

causes 6, 7

challenge for IT industry 4

history of sustainability 10

Climate Disclosure Rule 271

Climate Engine 273

Climate Neutral Data Center Pact 102

circular economy 102

circular energy system 103

clean energy 102

critical objectives 102

energy efficiency 102

water 102

Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact 102

Climate Pledge 343


benefits, of moving from on-premises to 66

Cloud Carbon Footprint (CCF) 145

URL 145

cloud computing

agility 79

benefits 79

cloud service areas of responsibility 77, 78

cost-optimization 80

definition 76, 77

DevOps 79

innovation 79

reliability 79

resilence 80

scalability 79

significance 79

sustainability 80

sustainability benefits 76

sustainable IT benefits 80

cloud vendor report cards 100, 101


measuring, in cloud 145-149

CO2 equivalent calculation 92, 93, 284

Coeus Consulting 249

commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) 327

compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 178

Conference of the Parties (COP) 21 16

consumer packaged goods (CPG) 51

continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) 140


corporate sustainability 14, 45

drivers 46

ESG considerations 46

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) 44, 130, 272, 358

corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) 271

Coupa 272

courageous sustainable leadership 356

environmental sustainability 357, 358

Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) 85

critical design principles 91

Cushman/Wakefield Data Center Risk Index 84

Customer 78

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 67, 115, 281

customer service management (CSM) 281

custom sustainable IT strategy

creating 341

enterprise sustainability goals and priorities 342, 343

enterprise sustainability strategy 344, 345

materiality assessment 342

sustainable IT strategy 345-348


data center and cloud

carbon intensity per region 307, 308

emission baseline, calculating 306

hardware-specific energy consumption 311-316

Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) 308, 309

server utilization rate (CPU usage) 310

virtual CPUs, percentage 310

data center and cloud providers 66, 78

data center lifecycle impacts 88, 89

data centers 66, 75

data-driven ESG decision-making

importance 14, 15

Data Privacy Manager (DPM) 181

Days Sales of Inventory (DSI) 286

Decathlon case study 283, 284

deep learning (DL) 115

Delegated Act (DA) 16

Dell 187, 282

public commitments 187


Department of Energy (DOE) 207

Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) 329

Digital Decarbonization Assessment (DDA) 340

digital transformation security

5Cs, using for 360

dimensions, sustainable IT maturity model 301

commitment 301

governance 301

people and organization 302

performance management 302

processes and tools 301

diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) 42

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) 186, 189

Dream for Earth project

URL 290

drivers, corporate sustainability plan

cost reductions 48

customer requirements 47

investor, social, and political pressure 46

legislation 46

new market opportunities 47

responsible business ecosystems 47

supply chain challenges 47

trust and reputation 48

drivers, sustainable IT agenda 48, 49

drones 115

Dutch Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) Criterial Tool

reference link 260


EcoDataCenter 90

EcoDataCenter's emissions flow 92

downstream actors 92

electricity 92

land, building, and technical installation 92

operations 92

eco-design 156

eco-friendly travel 279

actions 280

examples 280

Ecopetrol 360

Ecovadis 158, 338

electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) 165


URL 85

electric vehicles (EVs) 275

Electrolux 256, 283

Electrolux sustainability strategy

ITAD, fitting 181, 182

electronic waste (e-waste) 5, 30, 31, 41

Ellen MacArthur Foundation 169

embodied carbon 156, 316

Emissions Impact Dashboard

reference link 120

end-of-life (EOL) 274

energy consumption, from IT hardware 207-209

calculating 209

calculation for desktop 211

calculation for notebook 210

calculation for server 211

calculation summary 212

carbon emission, calculating 209

carbon emission calculation, for desktop 211

carbon emission calculation, for notebook 210

carbon emission calculation, for server 211

scenarios 209

energy consumption patterns 213

carbon dioxide emission, for 12-month rolling cycle 215

carbon dioxide emission, for 12-month rolling period 214

for 12-month rolling cycle 214

for 12-month rolling period 214

energy efficiency 200

energy-efficient buildings 276

actions 277

energy preservation

recommendations 164

energy resource efficiency

low-carbon sources, leveraging 217

smart technologies, exploring 243

system power management settings, changing 218, 219

virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), exploring 243

energy resource management

actions 278

examples 278

energy security 200

Energy Star 102, 135, 250

URL 102, 207

energy transition

energy mix 202, 203

energy security, significance in ICT 204-207

foreign policy 203, 204

to low-carbon future 200, 201

Enterprise Architecture

application, optimizing 119-121

business architecture, transforming with UN’s SDGs 117-119

data architectures, optimizing 119-121

for sustainability tracking 121, 122

sustainability strategy, achieving 117

transforming 117

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 67, 115

environmental impact assessment (EIA) 274

environmental impact, of technology 30, 31

environmentally friendly transportation 275

actions 275

examples 276

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 207, 271

Epeat 135, 250

Equinix 90


actions 281

examples 281

leveraging 280

promoting 280

ESG 13

ESG considerations, IT 50

employee engagement 57, 58

financial value 50

non-financial value 53

readiness 58

risks 56

ESG risk management 272

addressing 272

Climate Engine 273

supply chain risk management 273

water availability 273

wildlife risk analysis 273

e-Stewards certification 178

ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) 13

EU Green Deal 18

European Battery Alliance (EBA) 102

URL 102

European Commission (EC) 101, 200

URL 101

European Green Deal 102

EU Taxonomy 16, 17

e-waste 154

Exponential Roadmap Initiative 271, 343

external environment, sustainable IT strategy (output) 334

recommendations 334, 335

external green and eco-sustainability agency examples

Building and Construction Authority (BCA) 102

Center for Resource Solutions' Green-e 102

Energy Star 102

European Battery Alliance (EBA) 102

European Commission (EC 101

ISO 50001 Energy Management 102

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) 101


Fairphone 158, 159, 282

URL 159

Falu district heating and cooling supplier 90

Financial Times Stock Exchange Group (FTSE) 20

financial value, ESG considerations 50

circularity 50

energy reduction 52

hardware longevity 52

IT cost and value optimization 51

lean operations 53

Return on Sustainable Investment (ROSI) 51

Forrester 281, 284

Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) 64

Function as a Service (FaaS) 82, 139, 365


Gaia Generation 145, 148

Gartner 281, 356

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 78, 130

GHG emissions 4-6

calculating 306

scope 1 21

scope 2 21

scope 3 22

scope 4 22

GHG Protocol Corporate Standard 16, 20-22

GitHub 359

global economy 19

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 188

Global Sustainability 14

Google 75, 145, 277, 279, 357

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 96

public commitments 96

Google's sustainability

reference link 96

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) 75

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 80, 154, 359

reduction 119

taxonomy 43

Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) 280

Greening Government ICT and Digital Services Strategy 260

Green Software Foundation (GSF) 142, 358, 359

URL 142

greenwashing 249

Group of Twenty (G20) 271


H2 Green Steel 357

hackathon 289

Hack for Earth Foundation 288

Build for Earth project 291

Dream for Earth project 290, 291

Hack for Earth project 291

Hack for Earth innovation process 290


Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) 276

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) 161, 186, 282

high-performance computing (HPC) 115

H&M 256, 356

Honeywell 278

HP 186, 357

public commitments 186

human resources (HR) policy

examples 279

Husqvarna 282

hybrid work 278

actions 279

examples 279

hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) 258


IBM 99

public sustainability commitments 99, 100

reference link 100

Ikea 256

impact areas

data center and cloud 306

energy management 317

IT asset disposition 317, 318

IT hardware 316

network traffic 318, 319

Industrial Connectivity Services (ICS) 275

Inflation Reduction Act 271

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 253

information backbone 74

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 76, 129

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 139

integrated circuit (IC) 135

integrated development environment (IDE) 139

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4

internal environment, sustainable IT strategy (output) 335

business environment 335

enterprise sustainability goals and priorities 336

enterprise sustainability strategy 336

materiality assessment 335

International Data Corporation (IDC) 81, 281

International Energy Agency (IEA) 200, 307

International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 215

Internet of Things (IoT) 115

ISO 9001 178

ISO 14001 178

ISO 27001 178

ISO 45001 178

ISO 50001 Energy Management 102

URL 102


impacts 64

sustainability 70

ITAD process

check and repair stage 180

data swipe, securing 180

final reporting and payout 180

IT hardware collection 180

IT hardware registration 180

secure transport 180

IT and Digitalization Organization (CIO) 362

IT asset disposition (ITAD) 153, 167, 177

benefits 184

data sanitization 180, 181

delivering 183

environmental impacts, addressing 177

fitting, with Electrolux sustainability strategy 181, 182

global footprint and service availability 178, 179

organizational needs 184

process 179, 180

services 178

working with 182, 183

IT asset disposition process 169

IT for society 40, 41

IT hardware

sustainability scorecard 191

vendor report cards 190

IT hardware equipment, environmental impacts 154-156

end-of-life management 166, 167

energy consumption 164, 165

product design and manufacturing 156

product lifetime expansion 163

IT hardware management 67, 68

IT industry

environmental impact of technology 30, 31

IT service management (ITSM) 281

IT’s impact on environment

examples 40

IT sustainability requirements

corporate commitments 251

examining 250

from circularity perspective 254

from environmental perspective 252

from social perspective 252

product and service 253


Johnson Controls 278


key performance indicators (KPIs) 286

kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumption 208


land-use change (LUC) emissions 4

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) 277

LeanIX EA insights report 115

Lenovo 185

public commitments 186

life cycle assessment (LCA) 88, 274, 316

life cycle assessment (LCA), IT hardware

end user hardware impact, at scale 160, 161

end user hardware life cycle assessment 157-159

server life cycle assessment 161, 162

light-emitting diode (LED) lighting 278

limited liability partnerships (LLPs) 271

low-carbon future

transitioning to 200-202


machine learning (ML) 115, 274

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 67

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 312

maturity levels, sustainable IT maturity model

defined (Level 3) 303

initial (Level 1) 302

managed (Level 4) 303

repeatable (Level 2) 302

transformative (Level 5) 303

meeting point optimizer (MPO) tool 280

Megawatt hours (MWh) 214

Microsoft 94, 272, 279

example of climate innovation 95

public commitments 95

Microsoft Azure 94, 95, 145

Microsoft's sustainability reports

reference links 95


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 77, 181

Netflix 281

net-positive cloud 90

rise of 90-93

net-zero ambitions

Alibaba 264

Automatic Data Processing (ADP) 264

China Mobile 264

DXC Technology 264

Gartner 264

HCL Technologies 264

International Data Corporation (IDC) 264

International Data Group (IDG) 264

Splunk 264

Tencent Holdings 264

Tesla Motors 264

Net-Zero Standard 24

NIST SP 800-88 Guidelines for Media Sanitization

reference link 181

Nixu Corporation 360

Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) 18, 261, 271

non-financial value, ESG considerations 53

improved brand perception 53

IT complexity, reducing 55

like-minded customers, attracting 54

positive impact on society 55

talent, attracting 54

talent, retaining 54

NQC qualifications 338


Objective and Key Results (OKR) 119, 261, 337, 346

OneTrust 272

on-premises to cloud migration

real-world examples 82, 83

sustainability benefits 76

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) 129

operational technology (OT) 274

Oppo 158

Oracle 75, 98

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 98

public sustainability commitments 98

Oracle's 2025 sustainability goals

reference link 98

ownership to usership migration 283

associated digital landscape, scaling with 288

business models, transforming 284

Kids Btwin bike subscriptions 284

subscription business models, evolution 285, 286

subscription economy, embracing 284


Paris Agreement 16

Paris Rulebook 16

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 76, 129, 281

actions 282

examples 282

Plejd 278

post-consumer recycled (PCR) 189

Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) 96, 205

Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) 83, 308

Preem Evolution Diesel Plus 95

Privacy Shield 85

procurement process, sustainable IT 258

guidelines 258

need for product step 259

purchase is required step 259

purchase of new product is required step 259

Product Attribute to Impact Algorithm (PAIA) 312

Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) 161, 323

product lifetime usage considerations

battery longevity and replicability 163

data protection and security features 163

modularized assembly 163

Product-as-a-Service 163

product durability 163

product warranty 163

standardized connectors 163


R2 certification 178

Recovery and Resilience Facility 42

reliable Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) 158

REPowerEU plan 85

Request for Information (RFI) 262

Request for Proposal (RFP) 262

Request for Quote (RFQ) 262

research and development (RandD) 128

resource management 68

Resource Provider 78

Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) 260

Return on Sustainable Investment (ROSI) 51, 126

RFI evaluation

considerations 182

robotic process automation (RPA) 115, 274


Roudle 280


Salesforce 272

Samsung 158

SAP Concur 280

SBTi Net-Zero Standard 23, 24

Scania 148, 357

Schneider Electric 90, 278, 357

Schrems II decision 85

Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi) 45, 181, 271, 328

science-based targets 23

SEC climate disclosure ruling 358

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 271

sensitive but unclassified (SBU) 180

SERI 178

shared responsibility model 120

Shift Project

URL 319

Siemens 275

Siemens DEGREE sustainability framework 337

customer requirements 338

demand 338

ecodesign and digitization 339

employee requirements 339

future 340, 341

investor requirements 339

legal requirements 338

public opinion 339

requirements 338

role, of IT 340

Signify 278

single-sign-on (SSO) 129

small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 18, 272

SME Climate Hub 272

Software as a Service (SaaS) 76, 129, 281, 328

solar photovoltaics (PV) 203

Sphera 272

Spotify 281


Stockholm Exergi 90

Stora Enso 360

subscription business models

creating 287

evolution 285, 286

outcomes 287, 288

Subscription Economy 283

supplier relationship management (SRM) 281

supply chain planning (SCP) 276


economic sustainability 11

environmental sustainability 11

future 10, 11

history 10

social sustainability 11

sustainability agenda

delivering, through sustainable technology 360

sustainability by design 138, 303

sustainability category, sustainable IT vendor management

IT for Society or Technology for good 263

technology as enabler 263

vendor performance 263

sustainability strategy goals

circular goal 343

climate goal 343

governance 343

social responsibility 343

sustainable 13

sustainable by IT 40, 41

sustainable cloud service provider

Alibaba Cloud 97

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 96, 97

cloud vendor report cards 100, 101

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 96

IBM 99, 100

Microsoft Azure 94, 95

Oracle 98

requirements 94

selecting 94

Tencent Cloud 99

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 90, 117, 321

Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance 103

roadmap, categories 103

URL 103

sustainable IT 40, 41, 269, 270

agenda 13, 14

carbon emission reporting 271, 272

drivers, for agenda 48, 49

eco-friendly travel 279, 280

energy-efficient buildings 276, 277

energy resource management 277, 278

environmentally friendly transportation 275, 276

e-services, leveraging 280

e-services, promoting 280

ESG risk management 272, 273

examples 42

hybrid work 278, 279

PaaS 281-283

sustainable sourcing and manufacturing 274, 275

sustainable IT emission baseline

emission baseline single year 326, 327

emissions table, setting up 323

establishing 320

IT asset registry 324, 325

parameters and assumptions 320-322

sustainable IT enterprise 65

sustainable IT GHG emission taxonomy 43, 44

principles, related to scope category 43, 44

sustainable IT hardware provider

Acer 188

Apple 188

Asus 189

Dell 187

HP 186

Lenovo 185

selecting 185

sustainable IT maturity model 300, 301, 368, 369

assessment 304, 305

dimensions 301

maturity levels 302

path to sustainable IT 304

sustainable IT procurement

Atea’s Guide 260

best practices 256

challenges 255

drivers 249

driving, from start to end 255

hotspots, addressing 257

implementing 260

market, creating 256

process 258

purchasing stage 260

survey 255

sustainable IT reference model 65, 73, 200, 363

data center and cloud providers 66

sustainable IT enterprise 65

utility providers 66

sustainable IT strategic planning process 334, 336

sustainable IT strategy 370

how, formulating 349

setting, for future 350-352

what, formulating 349

why, formulating 349

sustainable IT strategy (input) 334

external environment 334

internal environment 335

sustainable IT strategy (output) 337

sustainable IT value proposition 346-348

sustainable IT vendor management 261

drivers 249, 261

life cycle management 262, 263

program, establishing 261

program, maintaining 261

scorecard 263-265

sustainable IT value realization 262

vendors, divesting 262

vendors, onboarding 262

sustainable SDLC 138

3Rs principles 144, 145

considerations 138

employee and team engagement 142

life cycle data, managing 140, 141

peers involvement 142-144

planning phase 138, 139

software design and development 139, 140

software operations and maintenance 141

sustainable software development 135, 136

energy-efficient programming languages, selecting 136, 137

sustainable SDLC 138

sustainable software development life cycle (SSDL) 138

sustainable sourcing and manufacturing 274

actions 274

sustainable tech strategy 358, 359

advance sustainability 360

certifications 359

design standards 359

impact, creating at last mile 360

implementing 359

specifications 359

sustainability agenda, delivering 360

SustainTech 269, 367

system power management settings

applying, in macOS 233-235

applying, in Windows 10 219, 220

applying, in Windows 11 221-233

enabling 218

updating, on group of Windows 10 and Windows 11 218

updating, on Windows 10 218

updating, on Windows 11 218

Windows group policy power consumption 235-242

Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing (SAP) 272


target state simulation 328

multi-year simulation 328-331

TCO Certified 135, 174, 250

reference link 174, 323

Technical Screening Criteria (TSC) 17

Technology Code of Practice 260

technology players’ energy portfolios

Amazon 206

Google 207

Meta/Facebook 207

Microsoft 207


application, defining 115

Tencent Cloud 99

public sustainability commitments 99

reference link 99

Terawatt hours (TWh) 201

The Climate Pledge 97

Thoughtworks 145, 359

TIME analysis 131-134

eliminate 132

invest 131

migrate 132

tolerate 131

total cost of ownership (TCO) 126, 178, 275

TotalEnergy 356

Triple Bottom Line (3Ps) 12, 13, 344

people 12

planet 12

profit 12

Trucost approach 13

twin transformation 339

Typical Energy Consumption (TEC) 157, 208


Uber 277

Unilever 275

United Arab Emirates (UAE) 179

UN Race to Zero campaign 271

UN Sustainable Development Goals 103

user acceptance testing (UAT) 141

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) 101

URL 101

utility providers 66, 78


Vattenfall 90, 95

Video Home System (VHS) 281

virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) 243

virtual reality (VR) 115

Visa 357

Vivo 158

Volvo Cars 282

VUCA 357


WEEE Directive 163, 177

Well-Architected Framework 81

wildfire risk analysis 273

Windows group policy power consumption 235

power plan, configuring with Group Policy preferences 235-242

Work-from-Anywhere (WFA) 278

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 20

World Economic Forum 4, 272

World Green Building Council (WGBC)

URL 277

World Resource Institute (WRI) 20


Xiaomi 158


Zoom 279

Zuora 283, 284

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