Verifying the repository calls into the DB context

A good place to start is verifying that the system is fully integrated; let's first test that the repository can access the database. Create a folder within the integration test project called RepositoryTests and create a new test file called GetAll. This will be where the integration tests for the GetAll method of the repository will be created.

You could create a test that verifies that the repository can be created, like so:

public void ItExists()
var options = new DbContextOptions<SpeakerMeetContext>();
var context = new SpeakerMeetContext(options);

var repository = new Repository.Repository<Speaker>(context);

However, that's not going to pass. If you run the test you will receive the following error:

System.InvalidOperationException: No database provider has been configured for this DbContext.

This is easily fixed by configuring an appropriate provider.

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