Appendix A: questions for ethnic-minority librarians

Personal information

1. Name

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Job title

5. City, Province (State), Country

6. What is your ethnic background?

7. Are you a first generation immigrant?

8. How long have you lived in your new county?

9. If you are not a first generation immigrant but born and raised in Canada (the UK, the US, or Australia), but have visible distinguishing characteristics (skin color, dress code), do you still see yourself as a visible minority? Why or why not?

Educational information

1. What other degrees do you have apart from Masters in Library Science?

2. Where did you get your MLIS from? (Country, State, City)

3. When did you get your MLIS degree? (Year)

4. Does your MLIS meet accreditation standards required by your new country?

5. Where did you get your other degrees from? (Country, State, City)

6. Was your education from your home country valid here or did you have to do other courses/degrees before you got this job?

7. Did you work as a librarian in your home country?

8. Was your librarian experience in your home country valid in Canada (the UK, the US, or Australia) or did you start at the bottom? (I started as a page, then a casual, then went to library school and became a librarian.)

9. Was any of your work experience in your home country taken into account when you applied for your current leadership position?

10. What other challenges have you faced in your endeavor to become a librarian?

Work experience

1. What was your first library job and how long did you work in this position? (Shelver, page, casual)

2. When and what was your first librarian position in Canada (the UK, the US, or Australia)?

3. How long have you been a librarian in Canada (the UK, the US, or Australia)?

4. Name of your organization.

5. Please select the type of library you work in:

a. Academic library

b. Public library

c. School library

d. Special library

6. If the answer is special library, explain what kind of special library.

7. What position do you hold at your library?

8. How long have your worked in this position?

9. What were the circumstances that led you to take this position? (Vacancy came up and you applied and were hired? You were asked to apply for this position? No one else was willing to take this job? Etc.)

10. Are you in a leadership position?

11. Do you consider yourself a leader by virtue of your position? (Make significant decisions, lead employees, etc.)

Your organization

1. To your knowledge, does your organization have a hiring policy that gives priority to hiring ethnic minorities, women, indigenous people, etc?

2. To your knowledge, does your organization have a hiring policy that requires hiring a citizen of their own country first?


1. In your opinion, who is a leader?

2. How is a leader different to a manager?

3. If you aspire to be a leader, does your organization provide you with the resources you need (send you to workshops, classes, etc.)?

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