Setup of a remote login into the Raspberry Pi

In this section, we will remotely log in to the Raspberry Pi using a secure shell. Since the Raspberry Pi comes with sshd enabled, it is possible to log in remotely using the local name, raspberrypi.local (During the bootstrapping process, the avahi-daemon tool is installed and hence, it is possible to remotely log in to the Raspberry Pi using the local name, raspberrypi.local). Alternatively, on a Windows machine, you can use a tool such as Advanced IP Scanner ( to find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi. A snapshot of this tool is shown later in this project.


If you are using a Windows machine, the Bonjour Print Services drivers have to be installed to remotely log in using the local name, raspberrypi.local. The Bonjour Print Services drivers are available from

Prepare for lift off

The IP address of the Raspberry Pi can be identified using tools such as Advanced IP Scanner, as shown in the following screenshot:

Prepare for lift off

A list of devices and IP addresses connected to a network similar to the Raspberry Pi

Engage thrusters

  1. Once we know the IP address, we use an SSH client such as PuTTY on Windows or a command-line terminal on a Linux or a Mac machine to remotely log in to the machine (in this case, we show this on a Windows machine).
  2. On a Windows machine, we either use the IP address of the Raspberry Pi or its local name (raspberrypi.local) and log in to the Raspberry Pi, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Engage thrusters
  3. Once we enter the IP address / local name in the PuTTy window, we log in as follows:
    login as: pi
    <username>@<ip address>'s password: raspberry

    Alternatively, we can also log in using the IP address of the Raspberry Pi instead of the local name, raspberrypi.local.

Objective complete – mini debriefing

If the username and password are entered correctly, we should be able to remotely log in to the Raspberry Pi to install the web server.

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