Problems that might be encountered while using Raspberry Pi

The following are some problems we encountered while we worked on Raspberry Pi.

SD card corruption

We encountered SD card corruptions while working with Raspberry Pi. In some cases, we had to discard the SD card but in other cases, we were able to recover the SD card using Advanced Partition Scanner Wizard and re-image the SD card.

Sometimes the failure occurs because there is a power failure while the card is still being written to. Such failures are unavoidable over the life of your projects. Here are a few ways to avoid SD card corruption:

  • Power down your Pi properly after use
  • Charge your battery packs and make sure Pi has a constant power supply at all times

Be sure to buy good quality SD cards and as with everything else digital, have backups.

Power issues

We encountered issues related to the power draw of Raspberry Pi. We had little success with things such as a battery pack (we were able to get it working using a 2700 mAh battery pack). As you may be aware, Raspberry Pi needs a 1 A, 5 V USB power supply.

Devices powered by USB

Some devices such as a webcam cannot be connected directly to the Raspberry Pi and a USB hub may be necessary to connect such devices.

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