The need for simulation

Understanding the need for simulation is a big factor in deciding if this book is for you. Have a look at this table of real network versus simulated network comparison.

A real network

A network simulation

The cost of all the hardware, servers, switches and so on has to be borne.

The cost of a single standalone machine with OMNeT++ installed (which is free).

It takes a lot of time to set up big specialist networks used for business or academia.

It takes time to learn how to create simulations, though once you know how it's done, it's much easier to create new ones.

Making changes to a pre-existing network takes planning, and if a change is made in error, it may cause the network to fail.

Making changes to a simulated network of a real pre-existing network doesn't pose any risk. The outcome of the simulation can be analyzed to determine how the real network will be affected.

You get the real thing, so what you observe from the real network is actually happening.

If there is a bug in the simulation software, it could cause the simulation to act incorrectly.

As you can see, there are benefits of using both real networks and network simulations when creating and testing your network. The point I want to convey though, is that network simulations can make network design cheaper and less costly.

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