Downloading INET

INET can be downloaded from the download section at The downloaded file is a tarball. Once it is downloaded, you can open it and choose where to extract to remember how this was done earlier. Also, choose a place to extract so that you remember.

Importing INET to prepare for the next chapter

The following are the steps to prepare for the next chapter:

  1. In OMNeT++, go to Select File | Import.
    Importing INET to prepare for the next chapter
  2. Click on General and then click on Existing Projects into Workspace. Now, click on Browse and select the INET folder that you just extracted. Make sure you tick the Copy projects into workspace checkbox.
    Importing INET to prepare for the next chapter
  3. Now click on Finish.
  4. Now with INET selected under Project Explorer, press Ctrl + B. This will build INET so that it can be used in your network simulations.
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