
As you have seen in this chapter, IntelliJ provides a wide range of functionalities that will improve your development speed. More important than knowing all the shortcuts IntelliJ offers is to understand what is possible do with them and when to use a feature. It took me some time until I discovered that IntelliJ provides simpler ways to do some common tasks and I hope you won't need to. Despite having shown lots of IntelliJ's features in this chapter, there are many other features you can use that will ease the way you work, so don't be afraid to explore the IDE to the maximum.

I hope that you can now see how IntelliJ can help you. The features presented in this chapter are powerful and will help you in your life with this IDE. However, don't forget that an IDE is simply a tool and the way you use it is what will helpyou achieve your goals.

In the next chapter, we show how to extract more of IntelliJ when working with database. We will create a simple project that will cover almost all features related to the database.

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