What is new

The Version 12 of IntelliJ comes with good enhancements and new features, such as the following:

  • JavaFX 2: Now it is possible to use code completion, navigation, refactoring, and CSS facilities in JavaFX 2 projects
  • Java 8: In this version, the next generation of the Java platform is fully supported with code assistance for the new syntax, such as Lambda expressions, type annotations, default methods, and method references
  • Android UI Designer: IntelliJ provides a full-featured UI Designer for Android; this way, you can build advanced layouts for Android mobile devices by simply dragging elements
  • Spring Frameworks: This framework was already supported, however, new improvements were made that bring performance enhancements and better code assistance for a wider range of Spring Frameworks, such as Security and Batch
  • Flex Flash and AIR: It provides support for Adobe Gaming SDK, including AIR SDK, Starling, Feathers, and Away3D
  • Drools Expert: The rule-based declarative language from JBoss has code assistance and refactoring tools available
  • Cloud Tools: You can deploy, run, and monitor your applications in Cloud Foundry and CloudBees
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