About the Reviewers

Scott Battaglia is a senior Software Development Engineer for Audible.com, the leading provider of premium digital spoken audio information, currently focused on Android development. Prior to that, he was an Identity Management Architect and senior Application Developer with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He actively contributes to various open source projects, including Apereo Central Authentication Service and Inspektr, and has previously contributed to Spring Security, Apereo OpenRegistry, and Apereo uPortal. He has spoken at various conferences, including Jasig, EDUCAUSE, and Spring Forward, on topics such as CAS, Identity Management, Spring Security, and software development practices. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University and a joint Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Health—Health Systems and Policy—degree from Rutgers University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry—School of Public Health. Scott is on the advisory board for Blanco’s Kids, a group focused on providing public health services to extremely poor communities in the Dominican Republic. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, running marathons, learning new programming languages, and sponsoring random Kickstarter projects.

Tomasz Nurkiewicz is a Software Engineer with 7 years of experience, mostly developing backend with JVM languages. He is a Scala enthusiast. Presently, he is working on leveraging the power of functional programming in the global banking industry. Tomasz strongly believes in automated testing at every level. He claims that a functionality not tested automatically is not trustworthy and will eventually break.

He is always happy to implement monitoring and data visualization solutions and has reviewed the book Learning Highcharts, Packt Publishing in the past. He is a data analysis apprentice and a technical blogger (http://nurkiewicz.blogspot.com), speaker at conferences, and trainer. Most importantly, he has been a proud user of IntelliJ IDEA for many years.

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