
Adobe Illustrator 8, 141, 145, 146148, 150, 151, 154156

Adobe Photoshop 8, 7173, 88, 141, 145, 146148, 150, 151, 152153

All Cats are Gray (Cabuay) 64

Ambotaite, Elena 26

Amelia (Lopez) 74

anchor points 154

Aponte, Carlos 150, 154155, 189

atmospheric perspective 128129

Ayala, Gabriel 86


background 83, 8889

balancing act 1113

Berning, Tina 82, 189; Pope

Benedict XVI 100

Berthoud, François 158

black shapes 6163

Bloomingdales 74

brush and ink 134135


Cabuay, John Jay 52, 82; All Cats are Gray 64; Jazz Band Rouge 18

Carlstedt, Cecilia 157, 158

charcoal 137, 138

Christian Dior Beauty 7, 58

collage 140141

color in perspective 128129

combining media 148149

composition 115, 151

symmetrical and asymmetrical 122

computers 150158; see also

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Craig, Daniel 52


dark and light values 7581

dark values 7677

diagonals 31, 3637, 130


Egnéus, Daniel 56, 187

elongation 3137

environment 114131

Eula, Joe 90

Evening Catwalk (Donovan) 170

exaggeration 2729, 31, 124125


fabric 158170

Fashion Victims (Roberts) 44

file types 151

foreground 8385


Galliano, John 58

Giddio, Tobie 184

gouache 142143, 148

Graham, Martha 171

Grant, Cary 181

graphite 136, 138

gray shapes 6569

Gustafson, Mats 38


Hjelte, Eva 90, 158

horizon line 115, 116, 118, 120

horizontals 31, 3435

houndstooth 1667

Houseboat (film) 181

Huun-Huur-Tu ensemble 22


Internet 150, 151, 152, 154


Jazz Band Rouge (Cabuay) 18

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 151


light values 7879

Lindsay, Rachel Ann 94

line 1029, 82113, 176179

continuous 9499

contour 10, 12, 82

curved 1921, 2326

to illustrate depth 9193

fluid 106111

opposition of 2729

shape and line 180183

straight 1517, 2326

studious 100105

linear perspective 115

Lobato, Pablo 22

Lopez, Antonio: Amelia 74

Loren, Sophia 181

Lundberg, Bo 42, 60, 156, 158


Madonna Dancing with Derby in Green (Risko) 14

Man in Black (Donovan) 8

mapping the figure 4951

McLuhan, Marshall 133

Meow Mix (Donovan) 88

middle ground 83, 8687

models 11

Morinerie, Aurore de la 188


negative space 15, 16, 7173, 126

New York Times Magazine 101

New Yorker, The 22

Nitzberg, Chuck 40


opposition 2729



cold pressed 135, 145

hot pressed 135, 145

rough 145

Passages (Donovan) 132

pastel 138, 139

patterns 127

patterns and textiles 156157, 158169

floral print 162163

organic print 164165

plaids, houndstooth and structured patterns 166167

simple colored pattern 160161

translucent sheers 168169

Patterson, Tim 86

Pearlman, Barbara 90

perspective 115

atmospheric 128129

one-point 116117, 172

three-point 120121

two-point 118119

value and color 128129

Persson, Stina 70

Petals (Donovan) 6

plaids 166167

Pope Benedict XVI (Berning) 100

positive and negative space 126

PSD (Photoshop Document) 151


Racetrack (Reim) 83

Reim, Melanie: Racetrack 83

repeats 127, 161

Risko, Robert: Madonna Dancing with Derby in Green 14

Roberts, Michael: Fashion Victims 44

Rodriguez, Irvin 26

Rosa, Cesar de la 86

rule of thirds 123


saturation 168

scale 124125

Schiele, Egon 82; Three Street Urchins 27

selectivity 15, 40, 71, 151, 171173

shadows 7581

shapes 3981, 151, 172175

black 6163

contrasting 5355

drawing the figure in five shapes 4547

drawing the figure in three shapes 4143

gray 6569

and line 180183

mapping the figure 4951

negative 7173

one large 5759, 173, 175

sheer fabric 168169

Sirichai 30, 54

St Patrick’s Cathedral, New York 180

Suhariyan, Sonya 48

sumi-e painting 134, 135

Swarovski 157


thirds, rule of 123

Three Street Urchins (Schiele) 27

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) 151


Urgent (Donovan) 181


value 75, 128129

vanishing point 115, 116, 118, 120

vectors 154

verticals 31, 3233


Wallin, David 90

watercolors and dyes 132, 144145

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