List of Listings

Chapter 1. The world of open source ESBs

Listing 1.1. The file poller Mule configuration: mule-config.xml

Listing 1.2. The file poller ServiceMix configuration: servicemix.xml

Chapter 2. Architecture of Mule and ServiceMix

Listing 2.1. Transformers configuration in Mule

Listing 2.2. Sample inbound router definition for Mule

Listing 2.3. Configuration showing how to use an outbound router

Listing 2.4. Example of a simple component with Java implementation

Listing 2.5. Sample XBean configuration for the ServiceMix file BC

Listing 2.6. Content-based routing using the EIP service engine

Listing 2.7. Camel route using Java

Listing 2.8. Camel route using XML

Chapter 3. Setting up the Mule and ServiceMix environments

Listing 3.1. CustomerServiceImpl bean that will be configured with Spring

Listing 3.2. CustomerDAO that will be injected into the CustomerBean

Listing 3.3. Spring dependency injection example

Listing 3.4. Using Spring together with Mule: an example service

Listing 3.5. Mule component referencing a Spring bean

Listing 3.6. ServiceMix configuration that references a POJO bean defined in Spring

Listing 3.7. JiBX mapping file of the person XML message to a Person Java class

Listing 3.8. JiBX mapping example with a structure definition

Listing 3.9. An example of a JiBX binding file with namespaces

Listing 3.10. Implementation of the ObjectToXML transformer for Mule

Listing 3.11. Implementation of the XMLToObject transformer for Mule

Listing 3.12. The servicemix-bean implementation, using the JiBX framework

Listing 3.13. JiBXUtil class showing how to unmarshal and marshal XML messages

Listing 3.14. ActiveMQ configuration using a PostgreSQL database for persistency

Listing 3.15. Definition of an ActiveMQ connection in a Mule configuration

Listing 3.16. Defining an ActiveMQ connection in a servicemix-jms configuration

Listing 3.17. Mule configuration with an ActiveMQ and transformer definition

Listing 3.18. Mule service definition forming a bridge between a file and a JMS endpoint

Listing 3.19. Mule service that bridges from a JMS queue to a JMS topic

Listing 3.20. Two Mule services listening on a JMS topic and logging to the file system

Listing 3.21. Bean implementation that defines transformation and routing logic

Listing 3.22. JiBX mapping illustrating how to map between XML and Java

Listing 3.23. ServiceMix JMS configuration

Listing 3.24. File endpoints configuration for the ServiceMix example

Chapter 4. The foundation of an integration solution

Listing 4.1. Simple logging implementation

Listing 4.2. The command-line Mule configuration: mule-config.xml

Listing 4.3. Implementation of the StringToInteger transformer

Listing 4.4. Mule configuration for the simple logging example with a transformer

Listing 4.5. Java interface and class that return a response to a given user input

Listing 4.6. Component implementation using ResponseOptions

Listing 4.7. Mule configuration of the Spring example

Listing 4.8. A simple logging example with the servicemix-bean service engine

Listing 4.9. ServiceMix configuration for the simple-jms-su service unit

Listing 4.10. ServiceMix configuration for the simple-bean-su service unit

Listing 4.11. ServiceMix component that uses Spring’s dependency injection

Listing 4.12. ServiceMix configuration that uses a Spring bean

Listing 4.13. Outbound routing configuration of the message logger service

Listing 4.14. Mule configuration for the cheapest price calculator

Listing 4.15. Implementation of a custom aggregator, the BookQuoteAggregator

Listing 4.16. Implementation of CheapestPriceCalculator

Listing 4.17. ServiceMix configuration for the static recipient list

Listing 4.18. Pipeline configuration for the in-out invocation of the Saxon component

Listing 4.19. Saxon XSLT configuration

Listing 4.20. AggregatorMessageLogger implementation

Listing 4.21. Pipeline configuration for the message logger

Listing 4.22. ServiceMix aggregator configuration

Listing 4.23. Implementation of the CheapestPriceCalculator bean

Listing 4.24. Spring Integration Implementation of HelloRouter

Listing 4.25. The XML configuration for the Spring Integration hello example

Chapter 5. Working with messages

Listing 5.1. Service configuration of a fixed router implemented in Mule

Listing 5.2. Content-based router configuration with servicemix-eip

Listing 5.3. Content-based router XML configuration with servicemix-camel

Listing 5.4. Content-based router Java DSL configuration with servicemix-camel

Listing 5.5. Mule content-based router implementation

Listing 5.6. The content-based routing example implemented with Apache Synapse

Listing 5.7. Mule validation configuration

Listing 5.8. Custom inbound router with XSD validation

Listing 5.9. servicemix.xml of the validation component in the lightweight container

Listing 5.10. Java implementation of the ErrorHandlerComponent

Listing 5.11. Message validation example with Apache Synapse

Listing 5.12. Mule configuration that calls the weather web service

Listing 5.13. The message transformation service in the Mule configuration

Listing 5.14. Configuration of a JMS consumer with a reply destination

Listing 5.15. Weather web service invocation configuration for ServiceMix

Listing 5.16. Implementation of the Camel converter component

Chapter 6. Connectivity options

Listing 6.1. Mule File transport using a file filter and output pattern

Listing 6.2. Mule File transport using a backup directory

Listing 6.3. servicemix-file binding component using a filename marshaler

Listing 6.4. ServiceMix file poller that implements a custom file filter

Listing 6.5. Filter implementation that checks the beginning of a filename

Listing 6.6. File sender configuration showing how to send binary files

Listing 6.7. A Mule service that consumes and produces a JMS message

Listing 6.8. A Mule service that sends the incoming message to a JMS topic

Listing 6.9. A Mule service that subscribes to a JMS topic

Listing 6.10. ServiceMix JMS configuration for a queue-based scenario

Listing 6.11. ServiceMix configuration showing how to write to a topic

Listing 6.12. ServiceMix configuration showing how to read from a topic

Listing 6.13. Mule JDBC configuration for querying and updating a database table

Listing 6.14. Mule service showing how to query a database table

Listing 6.15. Mule JDBC connector definition to insert data into a database

Listing 6.16. Mule service showing how to write to a database

Listing 6.17. Adding a JDBC datasource to the JNDI registry

Listing 6.18. Database mapping that maps the columns to an XML Schema

Listing 6.19. WSDL configuration for JDBC component: import section

Listing 6.20. WSDL configuration for JDBC component: message section

Listing 6.21. WSDL configuration for JDBC component: portType section

Listing 6.22. WSDL configuration for JDBC component: binding section

Listing 6.23. WSDL configuration for JDBC component: service section

Listing 6.24. JBI services configuration for the services described in the WSDL

Listing 6.25. File poller and sender configuration for the JDBC example

Listing 6.26. Mule services configuration that sends mail using SMTP

Listing 6.27. Mule service configuration that receives emails using POP3

Listing 6.28. File poller configuration that sends the message to the mail service

Listing 6.29. Configuration for sending emails using the PEtALS Mail binding component

Listing 6.30. PEtALS configuration for the Mail component to receive emails

Listing 6.31. Mule configuration that sends file messages to an FTP server

Listing 6.32. Mule configuration that reads data from a FTP server

Listing 6.33. FTP binding component for ServiceMix with poller functionality

Listing 6.34. FTP sender configuration for ServiceMix

Listing 6.35. PersonService interface that defines the method of our EJB

Listing 6.36. Person and SearchQuery objects used by the PersonService

Listing 6.37. EJB3 implementation of the PersonService interface

Listing 6.38. Mule configuration showing how to connect Mule to an EJB server

Listing 6.39. Transformer that transforms a string to a SearchQuery object

Listing 6.40. ServiceMix configuration that exposes EJBs as services to the NMR

Listing 6.41. A file sender and file poller configuration for the EJB example

Listing 6.42. Pipeline configuration to connect the file endpoints to the EJB service

Chapter 7. Web services support

Listing 7.1. XML Schema definition part of the WSDL file

Listing 7.2. Wrapped element used for the findCompanies operation

Listing 7.3. WSDL message and operations definition

Listing 7.4. WSDL part showing the binding implementation of the port type

Listing 7.5. WSDL part showing the service location related to a binding definition

Listing 7.6. Domain objects by the company web service Java implementation

Listing 7.7. Implementation of the CompanyService interface

Listing 7.8. The generated stub with code to connect to our own implementation

Listing 7.9. Mule configuration that shows how Mule can host a top-down web service

Listing 7.10. CXF binding component configuration that publishes a web service

Listing 7.11. CXF service engine configuration, which calls a POJO class

Listing 7.12. JAX-WS annotations for the generated web services stub

Listing 7.13. Mule configuration for providing a bottom-up web service

Listing 7.14. ServiceMix configuration for providing a bottom-up web service

Listing 7.15. ServiceMix configuration for providing a web service externally

Listing 7.16. Consuming web services using the CXF transport in Mule

Listing 7.17. Calling web services using the CXF binding component in ServiceMix

Listing 7.18. File configuration for reading from and writing files to the file system

Listing 7.19. EIP configuration that invokes the CXF service definition

Listing 7.20. Using Mule together with WS-Security for calling a secured web service

Listing 7.21. CXF configuration for securing outgoing web service calls

Listing 7.22. Using Mule and WS-Security to provide security to incoming messages

Listing 7.23. CXF configuration for securing incoming web service calls

Listing 7.24. Consuming web services using the CXF binding component

Listing 7.25. Consuming a web service that’s secured using WS-Security

Listing 7.26. Providing a web service that’s secured using WS-Security

Listing 7.27. WS-Addressing–enabled inbound endpoint for Mule using CXF

Listing 7.28. Mule transformer that accesses the WS-Addressing headers

Chapter 8. Implementing enterprise-quality message flows

Listing 8.1. Configuring a dead letter queue

Listing 8.2. Configuring a custom connector exception strategy in Mule

Listing 8.3. Camel routing configuration with a custom dead letter channel

Listing 8.4. Part 1 of the simple authentication example showing the Acegi beans

Listing 8.5. Part 2 of the simple authentication example showing the message flow

Listing 8.6. Part 1 of the LDAP authentication example containing the LDAP integration

Listing 8.7. Part 2 of the LDAP authentication example: the message flow definition

Listing 8.8. Part 1 of the LDAP authentication example with an authorization rule

Listing 8.9. Part 2 of the LDAP authentication example with an authorization rule

Listing 8.10. HTTP endpoint configuration with authentication enabled

Listing 8.11. Bean component that logs the security context and the message content

Listing 8.12. Mule configuration with a JMS transaction definition

Listing 8.13. Part 1 of the transactional message flow with the JMS and bean endpoints

Listing 8.14. Part 2 of the transactional message flow with the connection definition

Listing 8.15. Part 3 of the transactional message flow with ActiveMQ broker definition

Chapter 9. Implementing a case study using patterns

Listing 9.1. Stub implementation for a restaurant endpoint

Listing 9.2. DAO to retrieve and store reservations; implemented with Hibernate

Listing 9.3. Topic subscriber that invokes the restaurant bean

Listing 9.4. Expiration bean that stores the reservation message

Listing 9.5. Mule definition of the confirmation-message routing functionality

Listing 9.6. Filter implementation validating the confirmation message

Listing 9.7. JMS endpoint configuration that listens for messages

Listing 9.8. ReplyToConsumerMarshaler class implementation

Listing 9.9. Camel service engine with a router implementation

Listing 9.10. ExpirationProcessor implementation, adding a correlation identifier

Listing 9.11. JSR-181 endpoint to wrap the restaurant Spring bean

Listing 9.12. Expiration Camel filter and content-based router implementation

Listing 9.13. Camel processor, validating the confirmation message

Listing 9.14. JMS consumers and providers for the expiration flow

Chapter 10. Managing and monitoring the ESB

Listing 10.1. Sample wire-tap configuration in Mule

Listing 10.2. Mule restaurant service extended with the Wire Tap pattern

Listing 10.3. ServiceMix configuration for the Wire Tap pattern

Listing 10.4. ServiceMix wire-tap implementation in the EIP service unit

Listing 10.5. Modified JMS consumer that calls the wire-tap service

Listing 10.6. Mule configuration, implementing the Message Store pattern

Listing 10.7. Auditor implementation that stores messages in a database

Listing 10.8. Mule configuration that implements the Detour pattern

Listing 10.9. Mule configuration for the Detour pattern

Listing 10.10. DetourFilter that can be enabled and disabled using JMX

Listing 10.11. Spring configuration exposing the detour filter to JMX

Listing 10.12. ServiceMix EIP SE configuration that implements the Detour pattern

Listing 10.13. ServiceMix detour filter implemented as a ServiceMix predicate

Listing 10.14. Modified JMS consumer that calls the wire-tap service

Listing 10.15. ServiceMix bean SU configuration to deal with the Detour pattern

Chapter 11. Implementing a process engine in the ESB

Listing 11.1. Scuba diving request and booking JiBX mappings

Listing 11.2. The common diving agency service interface implementation

Listing 11.3. Spring configuration for the diving agencies

Listing 11.4. Hello world implementation with jPDL

Listing 11.5. jBPM HelloWorldHandler implementation

Listing 11.6. Definition of the jBPM transport in a Mule configuration file

Listing 11.7. Snippet of the scuba diving process using action handlers

Listing 11.8. DivingAgencyHandler implementation that sets the request message

Listing 11.9. Configuration to integrate Apache Ode with ServiceMix

Appendix B. Differences between Mule 1.4.x and Mule 2.0.x

Listing B.1. Mule 1.4.x-based empty configuration file

Listing B.2. Mule 2.0.x-based empty configuration file

Listing B.3. Mule 1.4.x mule-descriptor configuration

Listing B.4. Mule 2.0.x service configuration

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