List of Tables

Chapter 1. The world of open source ESBs

Table 1.1. Reasons to start thinking about an ESB

Table 1.2. Overview of the core functionalities necessary in an ESB

Table 1.3. Overview of the myths about open source ESBs

Table 1.4. Open source ESB overview

Table 1.5. An assessment summary of the five open source ESBs related to the selection criteria. The notation used in this classification is simple: ++ is very good, + is good, +/− is average, − is not well supported, and — is not supported at all.

Chapter 2. Architecture of Mule and ServiceMix

Table 2.1. The main concepts of the Mule architecture

Table 2.2. Mule URI fields description

Table 2.3. The most common inbound routers provided by Mule

Table 2.4. The most common outbound routers provided by Mule

Table 2.5. The main concepts of the JBI specification

Table 2.6. The most-used JBI components provided by ServiceMix

Table 2.7. The routing patterns supported by the EIP service engine provided with ServiceMix

Chapter 3. Setting up the Mule and ServiceMix environments

Table 3.1. The technologies we use to enhance the ESB functionality

Table 3.2. The ServiceMix JMS endpoint attributes

Chapter 5. Working with messages

Table 5.1. Mapping of Java objects to JMS message types

Table 5.2. Mapping of JMS messages to Java objects

Chapter 6. Connectivity options

Table 6.1. Connection settings used to connect to the PersonService EJB

Table 6.2. The EJB outbound endpoint properties

Chapter 7. Web services support

Table 7.1. An overview of WSS4J security properties

Table 7.2. The wsa:Action header used in ServiceMix

Table 7.3. The wsa:To header used in ServiceMix

Chapter 8. Implementing enterprise-quality message flows

Table 8.1. Connection configuration to the Apache Directory Server

Table 8.2. The transaction properties, which can be configured on inbound endpoints in a Mule configuration

Chapter 9. Implementing a case study using patterns

Table 9.1. The six Enterprise Integration pattern categories

Chapter 10. Managing and monitoring the ESB

Table 10.1. JMX categories that Mule can manage

Table 10.2. MBean functionality provided by ServiceMix

Appendix D. Mule component overview

Table D.1. Mule core elements

Table D.2. Mule BPM elements

Table D.3. Mule EJB elements

Table D.4. Mule email elements

Table D.5. Mule file elements

Table D.6. Mule FTP elements

Table D.7. Mule HTTP elements

Table D.8. Mule IMAP elements

Table D.9. Mule JDBC elements

Table D.10. Mule JMS elements

Table D.11. Mule POP3 elements

Table D.12. Mule Quartz elements

Table D.13. Mule RMI elements

Table D.14. Mule SMTP elements

Table D.15. Mule VM elements

Appendix E. ServiceMix component overview

Table E.1. ServiceMix bean elements

Table E.2. ServiceMix cxf-bc elements

Table E.3. ServiceMix cxf-se elements

Table E.4. ServiceMix drools elements

Table E.5. ServiceMix EIP elements

Table E.6. ServiceMix file elements

Table E.7. ServiceMix FTP elements

Table E.8. ServiceMix HTTP elements

Table E.9. ServiceMix JMS elements

Table E.10. ServiceMix JSR 181 elements

Table E.11. ServiceMix Quartz elements

Table E.12. ServiceMix Saxon elements

Table E.13. ServiceMix script elements

Table E.14. ServiceMix TrueZIP elements

Table E.15. ServiceMix WSN-2005 elements

Table E.16. ServiceMix XMPP elements

Appendix G. Overview of tools and libraries

Table G.1. Tools used in this book’s examples

Table G.2. Libraries used in this book’s examples

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