
We’d like to acknowledge all of the people who played important roles in the creation of this book. First of all, the project wouldn’t have started if not for Michael Stephens and Marjan Bace of Manning. After that, any coherence the book exhibits is largely due to our developmental editor, Sebastian Stirling. We’d also like to thank Megan Yockey, Steven Hong, Mary Piergies, Karen Tegtmeyer, Katie Tennant, Linda Recktenwald, and any other folks at Manning whose efforts we’re less aware of than we should be. Special thanks to Ivan Ivanov who did the final technical proofread of the book shortly before it went to press.

We’d also like to thank all the developers who spent time reading this manuscript during its development and pointing out the problems. The following reviewers proved invaluable in the evolution of this book from a manuscript to a book that’s worth a reader’s investment of time and money: Robert Wenner, Paul Holser, Andy Dingley, Lasse Koskela, Greg Bridges, Pratic Patel, Martijn Dashorst, Leonardo Galvao, Amos Bannister, Jason Kolter, Steffen Müller, Marion Sturtevant, Deepak Vohra, Eric Raymond, Andrew Rhine, Robert Hanson, Tyson S. Maxwell, Doug Warren, David Strong, John Griffin, and Clint Howarth.

Finally, we’d like to extend a sincere thank-you to the people who participated in the Manning Early Access Program; those who left feedback in the Author Online forum had a strong impact on the quality of the final printed product.

Thanks to all!

Petar Tahchiev

I’d like to begin by thanking my family—a big thank-you for always believing in me. A special thank-you goes to my sister, who showed me the real meaning of the word courage. Another big thank-you goes to my cousin Ivan Ivanov, who made me start this crazy computer journey in my life. I’m also grateful for all of the English teachers I’ve had in my life—thank you. This book wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the hard work of Vincent Massol—thank you for making this possible. Finally, I’d like to thank both Felipe Leme and Gary Gregory for being such great coworkers. I hope to meet you in person one day.

Felipe Leme

First of all, I’d like to thank those who directly contributed to my career development and hence made my participation in this book possible: my parents, who always understood the importance of education; my middle school teachers (particularly Mr. Ivo), who taught me the fundamentals of good writing and sparked my interest in science; and Leonardo Galvão, whose tough reviews of my Java Magazine articles made me a better author. Then special thanks go to Petar, not only for inviting me to be a coauthor but also for his vision and effort that made this project a reality. Finally, I’d like to thank my wife and children for their support and inspiration.

Vincent Massol

Back in 2003, JUnit in Action was the first book I ever wrote. I had no idea how long the writing process would take. It took me 18 months to give birth to it (twice as long as for a natural baby!). The great thing about long-running tasks is that when they’re done you reap the benefits for a long time, enjoying it even more. It’s always with the same initial trepidation that I follow JUnit in Action sales and I’m delighted that seven years later the first edition is still selling. However, it was time for an update. Although a good portion of the book is still valid, most of the examples and frameworks have evolved and new ones have surfaced. It was a real pleasure for me that Petar agreed to write this second edition, giving the book a second life. You’ll see that Petar, Felipe, and Gary have done a wonderful job of updating the book with a lot of exciting new topics. Well done, guys!

Gary Gregory

I’d like to thank my parents for getting me started on my journey, providing me the opportunity for a great education, and giving me the freedom to choose my path. I’m eternally grateful to my wife, Lori, and my son, Alexander, for giving me the time to pursue a project like this one. Along the way, I’ve studied and worked with truly exceptional individuals too numerous to name. Finally, I thank my coauthors and all of the people at Manning for their support, professionalism, and great feedback.

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