Chapter 1


1. Monish Chatrath, “Raise the bar on corporate governance,” Economic Times, Chennai, 6th July 2010.

2. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, “Principles of Corporate Governance,”

3. Shleifer, Andrei and Robert Vishny, “A Survey of Corporate Governance,” The Journal of Finance, Vol. LII, No. (2 June 1997, p. 737).

4. This list is drawn from a course for New Directors developed by the Central European University and CIPE.

5. Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets, Vol II, ICFAI University, p V.

6. Financial Times (21 June 1999).

7. Cadbury, Adrian, Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of the Corporate Governance (December 1992), London: Gee & Co. Ltd.

8. Sullivan, John D., “Transparency Between Government and Business,” Centre for International Private Enterprise.

9. Sullivan, John D. “Building Sound Corporate Governance for Global Competitiveness,”

10. Fernando, A. C., “Corporate Governance—The Time for a Metamorphosis,” The Hindu (9 July 1997).

11. Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets, ICFAI University.

12. Monks, R. A. G. and N. Minow (2001) Corporate Governance, 2nd Ed. Blackwell Publishing.


14. World Bank, Corporate Governance (2001).

15. OECD (2001), “Principles of Corporate Governance.”

16. Matheisen (2002).

17. William Witherek, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2000).

18. Hanson, J. L., A Dictionary of Economics and Commerce, 3rd Ed. London: The ELBS and Mc Donald and Evans Ltd.

19. Rajagopalan, R., Directors and Corporate Governance, 1st Ed, Company Law. Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. p. 136.

20. Ramsay, Ian and Geof Stapledon, “Corporate Governance: The Role of Superannunation Trustees,” ICFAI Journal of Corporate Governance (October 2002), p. 72.

21. IFSA Guidelines—Investment and Financial Services Association (1999). Corporate Governance: A Guide for Investment Management and Corporations.

22. Bosch Report (1995)—“Working Party of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Others,” Corporate Practices and Conduct, 3rd Ed.

23. Ramsay, Ian and Geof Stapledon, “Corporate Governance. The Role of Superannuation Trustees,” The ICFAI Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. No. 1 (October 2002), p. 76.

24. Global Investor Opinion Survey: Key Findings Mc Kinsey & Company (July 2002).

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