Chapter 9


1. Greener, Michael The Penguin Dictionary of Commerce, (1973) Reprints.

2. Roy, P. N. A Dictionary of Economics, Central Educational Publishers, Calcutta.

3. Gordan E. and K. Natarajan, Emerging Scenario of Financial Services, Himalaya Publishing House, page. 7

4. Padmanabhan Committee’s Report of the Working Group to Review the System of On-site Supervision Over Banks, Reserve Bank of India, (1995).

5. Viswanathan, R. “Corporate Governance in Banking: Issues and Solutions,” Extracts from the speech delivered at the National Conference on Corporate Governance at LIBA on (27 January 2003.)

6. Ibid

7. Formed in (1974) in the premises of the Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, following the failure of the Bankhaus Herstatt, which affected mostly the G-10 countries signalling a need to coordinate supervisory efforts across countries and lay down minimum banking standards. The committee’s efforts over the last three decades have made Basel synonymous with the best practices and standards in banking regulation and supervision.

8. This original accord, now known as BaselI, was very simple and adopted a straight forward “One size Fits All” approach that does not distinguish between the differing risk profiles and risk management standards across banks.

9. IASC’s International Accounting Standard No. 24, Related Party Disclosures.

10. Sreekumar, G. (20 Sep. 2004) “New Basel Norms to Change Complexion of Banking”, Business Review, The Hindu.

11. “RBI to implement Basel II norms in a phased manner”, Report in Economic Times dated (2 August 2004.)

12. Sreekumar, G. (20 Sep. 2004) “New Basel Norms to Change Complexion of Banking,” Business Review, The Hindu.

13. ibid

14. Dhingra, Ishwar C. (2004) “The Indian Economy, Environment and Policy”, New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, p. 571.

15. For instance, in India the Government has mandated that deposits upto Rs. 1 lakh are automatically insured by the banks at their cost with the Reserve Bank of India sponsored Deposit Insurance Corporation of India to safeguard the interests of depositors with limited means.

16. Quoted by Viswanathan, R. former Deputy Managing Director of State Bank of India in his speech on “Corporate Governance in Banking—Issues and Solutions” at the National Conference on Corporate Governance held at LIBA, Chennai on (27 Jan. 2003.)

17. Venkitaramanan, S. (21 Mar. 2005) “Making sense of Basel II Norms”, The Hindu Business Line.

18. Editorial, Banking on Basel II. The Hindu Business Line (1 Mar. 2005).

19. Quoted by Viswanathan, R. former Deputy Managing Director of State Bank of India in his speech on “Corporate Governance in Banking—Issues and Solutions” at the National Conference on Corporate Governance held at LIBA, Chennai on (27 January 2003).

20. ibid

21. Prasad, Bandi Ram (16 Mar. 2006) “India’s Weight-Gain Plan”, Economic Times.

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