
Sun Microsystems’ Java™ Desktop System (JDS) offers a comfortable and exciting way to use your personal computer. People who use a PC at work and/or at home will find JDS pleasantly surprising. Sun has produced an intuitive desktop that allows you not only to use what you already know about a computer but also to do more than you thought you could.

This book focuses on the basics of using the JDS and its applications, so you can begin using JDS immediately. We help you quickly set up your operating system, connect to the Internet, and work with many kinds of documents. We offer you a way to learn while you’re getting things done on your computer.

You will like JDS. Although other user-friendly operating systems for personal computers exist, they do not combine the polish, the wealth of software, the security, and the support from a trusted company that you get with JDS.

The authors of this book specialize in Linux and do consulting in the open source software space. From a business perspective, JDS provides a promising way forward. When people ask us to help them find opportunities in their organizations to use open source software, we look for ways to reduce costs, better use their resources, and improve security. The Java Desktop offers individuals and organizations a safe, manageable, and secure desktop operating system at a very competitive price.

Look and Feel

In creating JDS, Sun took the well known and robust GNU/Linux system as a starting point, but they added a higher level of quality to put JDS on par with Windows XP and Mac OS X when it comes to usability, for a fraction of the cost. Sun added sophisticated, but unobtrusive, components to the desktop to provide a consistent look and feel across all desktop software. Unlike desktops from other distributions, Sun has added enhancements so that every folder, application, and interface provides the same quality of presentation.

Aside from adding to the visual appeal of the desktop, Sun’s improvements increase the utility of software applications on JDS. One of the programs included allows you to work with photographs and other graphic images in the same way as a professional does. Similarly, Sun’s word processor and spreadsheet programs provide equivalent functionality to the best Microsoft Office programs.

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