
We realize the production of a book like JDS requires the cooperative efforts of many people. We wonder how we could have completed this work without our editor, Andy Oram. From inception to completion, Andy demonstrated how important great editing is to the success of any book. He operated much like a producer, director, casting department, and fight manager. In all our years of writing, we have never experienced a more committed person. Thank you, Andy!

Yvonne Adelstein, Tom’s wife, helped us from the start by taking the point of view of the many nontechnical users who will experience JDS. In progressing from a computer newbie to a capable Linux user over the course of this project, Yvonne provided valuable insights, as well as hands-on editing, to help us better address the needs of readers coming fresh to Linux and to keep us from straying too far into technical jargon.

The chapters on StarOffice are animated by the dedication of the developers, marketers and users of around the world, including the Sun team in Europe.

Several reviewers, some from O’Reilly, and some working elsewhere, dedicated themselves to the success of this book. In particular, we want to thank Bruce Bell, Keith Burgess, Brian Goodyear, Nigel Horne, Rick Rezinas, and Andreas Strid.

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